GameTap and WorthPlaying: Woo Fallout 3 wooo


Vault Consort
Staff member
GameTap and WorthPlaying preview Fallout 3, and they are impressed!<blockquote>WorthPlaying: On Apr. 9, Bethesda invited journalists to the Hotel Monaco in San Francisco to check out their progress on Fallout 3, and to tell us that we'd be allowed to go hands-on with it at this year's E3 [...] Bethesda won the bidding war back in 2004, nerd rage ensued, and now we have this: a first-person shooter with heavy RPG elements (or perhaps it's the other way around), a huge open world set in and around the radioactive ruins of Washington, D.C., and a fan base that may actually be legally insane. [..] It's a solid project with a good pedigree from a proven developer, though, so it's almost certainly a sure bet.

GameTap: Much like both the previous Fallout titles and the previous Bethesda games (Oblivion, Morrowind), player choice will be significant. [..] Up to now, the developers have shown mostly combat, as that is infinitely easier to demonstrate than dialogue and quest solutions, but the simple fact that you can decide whether a town stays on the map or gets wiped out is already exciting enough to tide us over until the next time we see Fallout 3 before its fall release.</blockquote>What will those game makers think of next? Here's a little bit on friends and enemies:<blockquote>WorthPlaying: In the demo, the ghouls were holed up inside an old office building, where the Glowing One provided brief flashbacks to how the building looked before the war.

GameTap: Watch out, for there are creatures like radscorpions and deathclaws about. Beyond those, there are quite a few supermutants--slobbering freaks that wander around and kill people for the heck of it. [..] Your first [party member] will always be Dogmeat, a trusty canine from the previous games. [..] At the moment, the developers are still tuning the party members; you'll likely just have two at a time, and whether they join you in the first place is dependent on your karma rating.</blockquote>And of course, the combat system is impressive.<blockquote>GameTap: What we've seen of combat is pretty straightforward first-person action-RPG mayhem. [..] One interesting side detail: A Bethesda representative was demonstrating the combat and had power armor equipped. While he was basically a nigh-impenetrable tank, his visibility was cut down, so the perception stat had a significant penalty--one that made VATS nearly impossible to use, which was just one example of the hard tactical decisions you'll need to make.

WorthPlaying: Tossing a nuclear grenade in slow motion directly into a mutant's open mouth is pretty much the best thing ever.</blockquote>Strangely enough GameTap's preview doesn't include a dig towards the fans, which is perhaps why WorthPlaying felt they had to make up for it by going the whole nine yards.

Link: GameTap: Fallout 3
Link: WorthPlaying: Preview - 'Fallout 3'

Spotted on Bethesda Game Studios Forum
I hope that 'nuclear grenade' is just the previewer slipping up.
If not, wtf? What's next, nuclear 9mm pistols?
It's not really a 'toss' if that's the case.
Way to be misleading, preview guy.
The way they talk about Dogmeat... I'm starting to wonder if it's possible to NOT let him join you.
I found the part about VATS being worthless whilst wearing power armor very interesting.

Not only will VATS not be all that useful to people who want to play the game as an RPG, but it can be made even less useful by putting on the best armor in the game that everyone is hoping to get their hands on, when they play a Fallout game.

I would assume from this, that using any sort of drug that has a negative effect on Perception will have the same effect on the VATS system, rendering it quasi-useful only to those that wear shitty armor and dont use stat enhancing drugs.

Let me be the first to say, making the power armor nueter the VATS is a completely stupid idea that doesn't increase "immersion" or convince a player that they are really Larping. (which is what bethesda thinks all RPGs should do)

Horray for stupid design decisions!
Yup.... pretty much everything "whirlingdervish" said, I am seriously beside myself after reading that... they nerfed the game before they even finished it. if you wear power armor looks like F3 becomes Halo or COD4. This sucks.
It seems like another poor attempt at "balancing" the game on Bethesda's part. They couldn't figure out how to make sure that everyone couldn't annihilate everything while in power armor, so they decided to rip out VATS' crippling/one shot kill or whatever method it uses.
I'm starting to think Bethesda has people lurking on the fansites' boards to pick up on popular demands then twist them into meaningless buzzwords by including a travesty of them in the game.
First we had "choice and consequences", to which their response was Megaton. Then "shades of gray", and their purported "neutral" path. VATS itself was time and again distorted to look like a semblance of turn-based, with Beth representatives dissing on "twitch play" The whole flashback thing with the ghouls also reeks of hurried damage control to their mindless zombies. And now, "tactical decisions", the lack thereof being something frequently criticised on Fallout 3 in comparison to the originals, makes a cameo.

That said, I wonder if stats and skills will influence the game AT ALL at this point. From the look of it, you can either make a wimpy, combat-armored sniper who relies pretty heavily on Agility, Perception and skill points, or go full FPS with power-armored twitch play and big guns (which, being designed mostly for close-ranged combat, will probably need about zero skill points to be efficient out of VATS). Now there's a really hard tactical decision, for sure.
Wow, that reads exactly like the preview for Fallout 3. Not only is that guy never learning, he's recycling his most idiotic mistakes using almost precisely the same terminology. That's some real talented "journalism" right there. :clap:
The flashbacks made me think of Stalker, but then i never played F.E.A.R.

Also making vats useless = how can that not make it a FPS first and an RPG second? did morrowind/oblivion not have bow & arrow attacks, did the player aim them or the players character, i never played it long enough to remember?