Gamma World not renewed


Night Watchman
Staff member
Zach Kelley tipped us that Wizards of the Coast have refused to renew Arthaus Publishing license to publish Gamma World line products beyond 2006. Effectively, White Wolf Publishing, the partner of Arthaus, is selling out those handbooks at fourteen bucks.

Gamma World is one of the oldest, if not the first, post-apocalyptic pen&paper RPGs.<blockquote>The Final Wars destroyed civilization. Competing forces battle for control of the shattered remains, using everything from strong fists and cold steel to the most advanced science of the old world and mysterious new powers of the mind.</blockquote>Link: White Wolf Online
Well, IMNSHO, 5th edition kinda blew... you had to shell out some serious pocket cash to even begin thinking about running a game (had to buy the game guide + the d20 modern core rules book).

Give me 4th edition any day.... :)
Well, you could ditch the rulebook and try storytelling ... You needy sonuvabitch! (j/k)
Honestly, I'm looking for a copy of 4th edition GW - I gave it to a friend of mine a few years ago and I think he still has it. The rules were halfway sane, didn't go into over painstaking details (which is good for keeping game speed going.... y'know, role playing as opposed to rules playing).

AND YES I IS TEH NEEDAY - I NEED MY GOODS - we must roll dice for EVERYTHING, including picking noses, hitting the toilet, and picking up chicks at bars... duh!!! ;)
"You have rolled a 20 on picking up the chick"

"Hey baby... like... uh... the dice say that you have to have sex with me, repeatedly... like. Yeah."

"Get lost, creep! Security!"

Luke Reinhardt anyone? If not, read his books
I have the original Gamma World boxed-set, and it's awesome. I didn't even know there was an updated version of the game, much less several editions.