Gay marriage bans make domestic violence legal


Half-way Through My Half-life
Not really, but it got your attention.

Article on gay marriage and domestic violence

Basically the wording of domestic violence laws (making hitting your girlfriend/wife/boyfriend/husband punishable as a distinct felony) unteneble unless you're married. The new laws banning gay marriage do so by making government unable to recognize any partnership but marriage as a legal entity. This means that your live-in girlfriend is not protected by domestic violence laws because Ace and Gary down the street are in a consensual relationship. Talk about the law of unintended consequences!

But then again the cynic in me thinks that the whole fisaco started as a way for conservatives to reduce the power of domestic violence laws as a way of returning to the good old biblical days where you
basically owned your wife.
I find it hard to believe that they'd be thinking that far ahead. Reactionary legislation rarely has that attribute.