gay prostitute fed leads while Justice dept attacks porn


Now isn't this bizarre.

On one side you have a guy who is supposedly a gay prostitute getting leads from the Bush administration while he spoon feeds them sympathic questions.....

(And how did this guy get past the FBI/Secret Service security clearance).

gay prostitute tied to Bush

While the Justice Dept, now run by the guy who argues that torture is legal (and let's leave due process out of it), is about to go to war with the porn industry.

Justice Dept attacks porn industry

Is this a bit of hypocrisy?

This all seems so..... Clintonesque.
I am getting tired of this shit. It seems like this country is going backwards. If anyone wants to pay $11.99 to see some hardcore porn on tv they should be able to. Where does the government get off telling us that we can't watch porn. If ya don't like it, don't watch it. Why the hell did all these conservatives get elected into office?