Geinoh Yamashirogumi

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Has anyone else here heard of the Geinoh Yamashirogumi? They're a vocal (choral) group in Japan with a great variety of vocal music, from African tribal chants, to renditions of Noh plays, to guitar solos, to soundtracks from major anime movies (Akira).

Other than the Akira soundtrack, their music is practically unheardof in any other place than Japan. I had to import my CDs direct from Japan, $317 for 12, though I have to say it was worth the cash. Their sound is truly powerful and beautifully constructed.

I was just wondering if anyone else has even heard of the group.


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Check imported world music stands in good music shops. If i could find them here in Portugal, no doubt you`ll find them in the states. The problem is their covers come in japanese usually, but in some places they come with a sticker in english. I didn´t bought anything, but i will, my favorite writer is japanese (Yukio Mishima), some of my favorite filmdirectors are japanese (Kitano, Kurosawa), i adore music from Riyuchi Sakamoto, i even like Yakuza movies and anime so i`ll get there Xotor, in time.
I know them, of course through the Akira soundtrack. Is that how you discovered them, too?
I have spent many an hour listening deeply to that soundtrack and checking out all the rich counterpoint and little subtexts, etc. but it never occurred to me to check out their other work. Thanks for giving me the push; maybe I'll do so now.


P.S. I'll hate myself if I don't mention my favorite band of all time: Ruins. Also Japanese and also incredibly intricate. Somewhat similar to GY in a way except that they play twisted instrumental semi-progressive thrash punk. If you have money lying around buy an album or two of theirs and let me know what you think. (Note: most of the few tracks that come up on Napster are examples of their more 'free noise' stuff. Don't judge them on that alone.)
> I know them, of
>course through the Akira soundtrack.
> Is that how you
>discovered them, too?
> I have spent many
>an hour listening deeply to
>that soundtrack and checking out
>all the rich counterpoint and
>little subtexts, etc. but it
>never occurred to me to
>check out their other work.
> Thanks for giving me
>the push; maybe I'll do
>so now.

It's SOOOO hard to find music by the GY, even a search on doesn't turn up much.

> P.S. I'll hate myself
>if I don't mention my
>favorite band of all time:
>Ruins. Also Japanese and
>also incredibly intricate. Somewhat
>similar to GY in a
>way except that they play
>twisted instrumental semi-progressive thrash punk.
> If you have money
>lying around buy an album
>or two of theirs and
>let me know what you
>think. (Note: most of
>the few tracks that come
>up on Napster are examples
>of their more 'free noise'
>stuff. Don't judge them
>on that alone.)

Hmm, I'll have to check them out. Music sounds different when you can't understand the language it is sung in... :)


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