

Antediluvian as Feck
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Aug-12-02 AT 09:07PM (GMT)[p]Anyone else really liking this game?

The style is a mix of the SSI tactical styles that were great in Exile and the gameplay in Fallout. There's sides to join, and a bit more. Can play an evil SOB, a nice guy, a thief, etc. There's skills for speech and traps, and the summoning aspect is quite good.

One thing I like about Indie developers is that many don't fall into the idiocy that most commercial devs run into. Which is, copycatting the same idiotic designs. One of the best traits of Geneforge is the LACK of pixel-hunting, in picking up items. With a single button-press, you can search an area of the room for loose items.

Another good thing is the ability for pathfinding. Yes, the pathfinding is leagues better than the idiotic Inbred Engine's. Instead of walking into a wall and stopping in trying to go direct-route, the actors in Geneforge will be able to find their way without hand-holding from one side of the map to the other. The AI is fairly good, too. It almost seems that the more INT you pump into the summoned critter, the better it "thinks", but that might just be the way I have the INT distributed into a couple of particular critters. The world map is fairly good, too. You need to find a certain path on a map to "open" that branch, and you can select where you enter onto that map if you are able to. The area maps are well-plotted, too.

You start off in the typical stranded scheme of things, but the investigation is quite fun. This is a superb step-up for Jeff and the rest, in a way towards Fallout/Arcanum's complexity. While I did like the nostalgia from Ultima 4/5 and Gold Box/Silver Box/etc. with the combat in Exile and the other games, this one has that familiarity and time units that should make a Fallout vet feel a bit at home, but being encumbered will take away from your time units.

Definitely worth a look, and a great game for the $25.

I'm also going to be looking through Avernum when I have the chance, but Geneforge is definitely a good game. The graphics are a bit on the bland side, but that can easily be forgiven, as they are more than functional enough to make the game fun.
Nice. I heard about this game about 1 month ago. I should get it but im just too poor!
Sounds like a Monty Python reference:

"So, we have a basic set of main characteristics that are improved by combat and solving quests, and a set of special skills and abilities that are replacements for the magical ones known from fantasy RPG games. Good examples are: Disarming, Rage or the Killing Joke (an ability to tell killing jokes thus inflicting mortal injuries. The power of a Joke depends on the enemy's intelligence)."

When a reference becomes a game mechanic (skill), then it's gone a little too far. By reading a bit more, sounds like it wouldn't be that much of a thrilling game. A CRPG in WWII is...meh. Doesn't excite me, and I doubt it's going to do the same for too many others.
>I'm also going to be looking
>through Avernum when I have
>the chance, but Geneforge is
>definitely a good game.
>The graphics are a bit
>on the bland side, but
>that can easily be forgiven,
>as they are more than
>functional enough to make the
>game fun.

Hmm, yes the graphics are less than to be desired for, but that's probably because they spent less money on artists and more on the gameplay developers. Hell, I'm still playing those old SNES "RPG"s and they're only 300x300 or something..

Tell me, how's the story of that game? Also, how "large" does it feel?

Speaking of pathing, one thing I likes about Fallout as opposed to Arcanum and Planescape Torment was that the characters had nearly perfect pathing because the tile-based system allows for nearly perfect A* pathing. Planescapes was pretty bad in that the characters would walk into walls and wouldn't be able to find their way out. Arcanums is bad because the characters are too stupid for those waypoints.


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[table width=200" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0][tr bgcolor=#000000] [td style=font-family: 'Times New Roman', Times, serif; font-size: 8px]  [/td][td align=left" valign="middle" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 36px; font-weight: bold; color: #FF0000; text-decoration: none]PAS:[/td][td align=left" valign="top" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal; color: #FF0000]  [/td][td align=left" valign="middle" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal; color: #FF0000]People Against Stupidity[/td][/tr][tr bgcolor=#000000" style="font-family: 'Times New Roman', Times, serif; font-size: 8px][td] [/td][td align=left" valign="top" colspan="3] [/td][/tr][tr bgcolor=#000000" style="font-family: 'Times New Roman', Times, serif; font-size: 16px; font-style: italic; font-weight: normal; color: #FFFFFF] [td] [/td][td align=left" valign="top" colspan="3]"Ignorance is excusable. Stupidity is not."[/td][/tr][/table][/div]
>Tell me, how's the story of
>that game? Also, how
>"large" does it feel?

The story is there, and it feels fairly large. There's a good amount of combat in it, which doesn't seem too bad.

>Speaking of pathing, one thing I
>likes about Fallout as opposed
>to Arcanum and Planescape Torment
>was that the characters had
>nearly perfect pathing because the
>tile-based system allows for nearly
>perfect A* pathing. Planescapes
>was pretty bad in that
>the characters would walk into
>walls and wouldn't be able
>to find their way out.
> Arcanums is bad because
>the characters are too stupid
>for those waypoints.

Arcanum's wasn't too bad, since it was pretty much Fallout's pathfinding, and was tile based. The waypoints did cause a few problems, true. PS:T, it's understandable the pathfinding in that sucked ass, as it's using the Inbred Engine. You'd think if the main aspect of the game would be combat and movement, they'd have a decent pathfinding for it. Hell no. Geneforge is a good example of A* perfection. There are a couple of quirks, but it will generally move you along places you can see and in a logical manner than "clusterfuck against the wall towards where I want you to go".