General Discussion Bad Boy/Girl Club

Were you banned from The Order? Well, wipe those tears and blow your nose, I've got a place for you. :wiggle:

It's this thread. Bit anticlimactic really. :???: Wish I had something more shady and sinful to offer but this will have to do for now. Topics include bad boy/girl behavior, shady stuff, tattoos, craft beers, dip tobacco usage, sex and other sinful things. Enjoy.
I was banned from The Order once. I used the opportunity as a chance to take my meds.
I've never had sour beer but it sure looks sour.

Try them. But don't wuss out mid-beer like that guy. It's an acquired taste.

In the Bearforce-thread, you said you don't want a stripper? Why not though? Never had one. Do you just order one home or do you go somewhere? I'd like to know. If the stripper comes home, is it tax-deductable?

Anyway, I hope it all works out for you mang.
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