Getting Married

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I was really disappointed when I found out
that you can only marry two characters in
Fallout 2, both of whom are utterly useless.

In Fallout 3, I'd like to see marriages more
like in real life, a partnership of equals
who help each other out using their respective
strengths and weaknesses. For fictional referances, check out Robert Heinlein's Number
of the Beast, where one heroine is a martial
artist who can kill with a single kick, and
the other is a highly skilled planner, negotiator,
and carries a BIG handgun. Or Record of Lodoss,
where Deedlet the Elf proposes to Parn the Knight,
thusly, "The world is filled with people who will
stab you in the back. Let ME watch your back
while YOU look to the road ahead." And they're
still together in the new series, BTW, only now Parn is a MUCH tougher warrior, and keeps charging
in to battle while Deedlet covers him with her
magic and rapier.

What if the NPC who you married received a full
set of stats, and you could personalize them
just like your main character? That'd be a
real help. Your main character could specialize
in all the combat skills, and your spouse could
focus on Doctor, Science, Repair, etc. Or you
could focus on Unarmed Combat(I liked the Kung Fu
thread idea-but there are MANY arts out their,
and each one has differant moves, and a differant
"attitude") while your spouse snipes at enemies
with a turbo plasma rifle with a rocket launcher
attachment. Rather reminds me of my parents-
and for the record, it'd be MOM who did the charging.