Getting power armor..


First time out of the vault
Simple question, Anywhere else I can get it besides BOS? I really dont want to go down to the glow..

Also, if you are too weak to survive the Glow, then you have no chance of ever finishing the game. So stop being such a pussy, grab some RadX and get a move on.
Darrel , the Brotherhood guard, he said explicitly: "The Brotherhood are the sole bearers of the Power Armor in the wastes" And The Glow isn't all that bad.... Once you get used to dying :evil:
If you don't like the glow, you can always force your way into the brotherhood, guns blazing. Although I feal the glow option is easier.
Just stop in the square before the Glow, pop two Rad-X, and move in. Make sure you have a rope, can't believe how many times I've forgotten to get some (embarassing, I know). As long as you've at least got Metal Armor, an Assault Rifle (JHP ammo, not AP) and decent Repair skill the glow shouldn't be any trouble.

As Graz'zt said, if you're too weak for the Glow the endgame is going to eat you alive.
Argonnot said:
If you don't like the glow, you can always force your way into the brotherhood, guns blazing. Although I feal the glow option is easier.

I believe you need an Electronic Lockpic and an exquisite skill in Lockpicking, so that option isn't all that good. Besides, the Glow is worth a visit.

As for the Rad-X - swallow them as soon as you enter the location (hit I as soon as the map loads), if you take them on the world map, they may wear off before you're done.

Also: In the Glow, beware of chess ;)
and just take the books with you, don't read them till you're out...what? I didn't do that :roll:
...and don't turn the power on untill you make sure that 'everything' capable of harming you is dead... Yes i did that mistake the first time :)
All right pplz, now you're answering unasked questions. It's nice with some activity in the gameplay forum, but try to focus on the topic at hand instead of commenting and expanding on each other's answers and risking spoilers (I noticed this trend in a few threads, hence the reminder).