Glovz' AP Mod - Magnus WR Mod.


First time out of the vault
Quick question - I found this in the

;Choose the damage formula used to calculate combat damage
;0 - Fallout default
;1 - Glovz's AP ammo mod
;2 - Glovz's tweaked version of the original formula

What's the difference between 1 and 2? Also, if you installed Magnus' WR mod (with the FPRP 1.2 installer) can you enable/disable it as well without affecting your game? As well, since Magnus' WR is now 1.6, would overwritting 1.5 from installer have any negative affects? I couldn't find anything for Magnus' mod in the .ini for magnus' work.

Thanks in advance.

Cyane said:
What's the difference between 1 and 2? Also, if you installed Magnus' WR mod (with the FPRP 1.2 installer) can you enable/disable it as well without affecting your game? As well, since Magnus' WR is now 1.6, would overwritting 1.5 from installer have any negative affects? I couldn't find anything for Magnus' mod in the .ini for magnus' work.

Thanks in advance.

If you want to see the ap ammo fix (ie ap ammo now does the real damage it should) in action, choose option 1. Option 2 is just the original damage formula tweaked. Glovz can give a more detailed explanation about this. You can disable/enable the ammo mod at any time by changing DamageFormula in the ddraw.ini. It won't affect save games in anyway.

Magnus' weapons mod is not included in the RP installer but installed seperately. It can be installed at any time but make sure the ap ammo mod in the ddraw.ini file is not enabled.
That cleared it up, thanks Killap. One thing that makes me hesitate to installing Magnus' mod is the Bozar change. I loved the original Bozar because it was a burst-fire machinegun, FMJ was pretty abundant and it only used 15 rounds per use. The Miniguns use almost 3 times as much, ammo guzzlers =P.

Magnus's mod is modular, so you can ignore the Big Guns folder and just install the rest. However, I'd recommend installing the Big Guns because it akes the machine guns a lot more efficient. The M60 and LSW now have single shot and aimed modes to conserve ammo, and the LSW gets a +20% to hit bonus.
The Bosar is still a very powerful gun, it just works how it was originally meant to. The description itself say "sniper rifle"
Cyane said:
That cleared it up, thanks Killap. One thing that makes me hesitate to installing Magnus' mod is the Bozar change. I loved the original Bozar because it was a burst-fire machinegun, FMJ was pretty abundant and it only used 15 rounds per use. The Miniguns use almost 3 times as much, ammo guzzlers =P.


I suggest switching to the Light Support Weapon. If you want to PM me your e-mail, however, I could send you a tailored version of the Bozar that is exactly like the original, but with a different sound.
Sorry about the PMs Magnus, had some issues with my browser and it double sent.
