God mode mod?


First time out of the vault
I know, this is probably annoying. First post on a new account and it's a "can someone make this mod?" post. However, it's more of a "is it possible" question than a "will someone do it" question, I think. But first, some back story.

I love god modes in video games. I take a lot of flack for it as a gamer, but the fact is I grew up with adventure games and being able to explore and enjoy a game without worrying about dying always stuck with me. Couple it with my own hang ups about death (I can't enjoy most shooters in more than 30 minute increments without panic attacks. It's quite exasperating) and it just becomes unpleasant to die in a game.

Having an easily toggleable god mode in Fallout 3 was nice at first, but it has begun to wear on me. Not having to worry about dying is nice, but I don't like the other things that go with it. I hate that my weapons don't degrade and are always in perfect condition, that I never have to reload and never run out of ammo, and I can carry as much as I want. I want my lack of challenge to be challenging, dagnabbit!

What I want to know is if it would be possible to set up some kind of mod that would prevent a lowering HP but wouldn't mess with the other bits. By possible, I don't mean a sarcastic "with a hex editor, anything is possible!", I mean would it be easy to do based on people's experiences with existing mod abilities.

So, what's the verdict?
i believe "player.forceav health 100000" would do just fine (this "should" set your current and max health to 100k) the only deaths you would have to worry about at this point are "insta-death" falling and/or areas that do that (the highest damage weapon you can get shot with i believe only does < 5000 dmg)
That should work great, I think. Thanks! As long as I remember to take the occasional bed rest, at least.
press the tilde key (also the grave key, top left of keyboard below ESC key)

the console will come up



then press the ENTER key

I read the first post and Renault sounds like an ADHD idiot. Godmode is fine for some things but if your going to sit and play that way normally, like my 8 year old step son who has ADHD and the social skills of a knat and loves to power game then by god simply play in god mode and be done with it. Which makes you a wanker but hey at least your having fun, so go for it.

I told my step son simply put the game difficulty on Easy and if they had an option F-tard Easy (which is beyond super-easy for those who are so tardish they can't play on a higher difficulty) that is probably a better option.

So there you have it, play on Easy mode. The monsters should die fairly quickly as they have much less hit points and other attributes that make it remotely difficult for you.
Rhenalt said:
Couple it with my own hang ups about death (I can't enjoy most shooters in more than 30 minute increments without panic attacks. It's quite exasperating) and it just becomes unpleasant to die in a game.

So, what's the verdict?

Panic Attacks? i hope your kidding if not buy System Shock 2 wait for night and play it and you prodobly die out of fear... :)

And secound thing you know theres no god mode in real life so how do you deal with walking on street combat armor and gun?:)

Willybean said:
I read the first post and Renault sounds like an ADHD idiot.

Its Rhenalt not Renault and i agread its wired he shouldent play at all if he has problems...still you cant call him idiot not his fault...

Funny thing is Fallout 3 is not scary at all its bloody funny...
Labelling someone as 'idiotic' and a 'wanker' just because they have a different playstyle to you seems a little inept.

It's a bloody game. It's not about swearing by whatever imaginary rules you think dictate the game universe. It's about having fun. If that's just what he wants to do, don't impose your bigoted bullshit on him.
Let me rephrase. He is not idiotic, nor a wanker but it just so happens my 8 and 10 year old step sons love godmode. So in that regard he is just like an 8 and 10 year old.

Actually I used godmode today to test the slow experience mod. I wanted to see if it worked and didn't want to die so I could run around and collect xp and see how long it would take, hopefully longer. It didn't and so as a test I found it useful.

I also occasionally use the godmode when, for example, I have cleared an area and then the game crashes and don't feel like redoing all that work. I simply pop on Godmode, redo it much quicker and then un-godmode it back to normal.

So yes, godmode has its uses.

By all means use it as a normal play tool but I still feel someone who does so as a normal play tool is saying they can't hack the normal difficulty. Yet, the best solution is, like I said before, play in the Easy mode, things in the game die easily. Occasionally use it to pop on so the kids in Lamplight can't harm you if you 'piss them off'. In that case your simply nerfing an aspect of the game that Bethesda nerfed (you can't kill the kids and now they can't kill or harm you either, so your even).
