So I got back form Montreal yesterday. After struggling through the terror of public speaking with my 15 minutes to present my work, I sat back and watched everyone else present their work. This whole scientific conference thing is pretty cool, it makes me feel not so alone in my not-knowing-what-the-hell-is-going-on kind of way. I presented Sunday morning too, so being among the first to present I was happy, and looking forward to seeing this Ugly John character in Montreal the next day.
And then my advisors appendix decided to up and rupture, sending him to the hospital and us grad students scrambling, Sunday night.
Not only did we have to help him with things he needed to do at the conference, we had to help his wife look after their 18 month old rugrat.
So no more fun and games for Murdoch and friends, and no more seeing the sights with UJ either.
But on the bright side, we got to see this hallowed Canadian health care system up close and personal. Overall I was impressed, except my advisor needed to wait awhile to get anything done.
So with that, Montreal seems like a cool, if quasi-european town, with its share of bad roads and litterbug Canadians. I'd go back in the future, if the winds took me there, and encourage anyone else to do so too.
And no Welsh, I didn't get a hooker.