RE: Finding Special Encounters...
Just save the game and go out and explore...even if it takes 3 years...yesterday I did just that after quincy.
Situation was this, the RE seem to be fixed in one particular place...though the event itself is random, but...if you go to a place and find a random encounter and don't like that event, reload make another mission or try to find another RE in another location and them go to that place again, and the event is different...
No one in my party has higher luck then 6, and this is what I found in a one way trip: No Ranger or Scout or Explorer Perks just 135 Outdoors on ICE
Hermit, Metal Armour and a Calico
Gas Station, Elexir adds 1 to endurance
Baazar, don't buy the armour!!!!
Canadian Invasion
Everlasting bunnys
Sixth Sense
Bramin Poker, 30000 pull rings on the table
Farmer, small guns and outdoors books
Merchant, H&K CAWS
Dethclaw liberation
Four Horseman (that f*cked the ranking of my squad)
Some base with a robot
PIP BOY, he has LUCK 10 and a FN FAL, he has the FLEXIBLE Perk but cannot change stance...