Google attacked by Chinese government


Vault Senior Citizen
1/12/2010 03:00:00 PM
Like many other well-known organizations, we face cyber attacks of varying degrees on a regular basis. In mid-December, we detected a highly sophisticated and targeted attack on our corporate infrastructure originating from China that resulted in the theft of intellectual property from Google. However, it soon became clear that what at first appeared to be solely a security incident--albeit a significant one--was something quite different.

First, this attack was not just on Google. As part of our investigation we have discovered that at least twenty other large companies from a wide range of businesses--including the Internet, finance, technology, media and chemical sectors--have been similarly targeted. We are currently in the process of notifying those companies, and we are also working with the relevant U.S. authorities.

Second, we have evidence to suggest that a primary goal of the attackers was accessing the Gmail accounts of Chinese human rights activists. Based on our investigation to date we believe their attack did not achieve that objective. Only two Gmail accounts appear to have been accessed, and that activity was limited to account information (such as the date the account was created) and subject line, rather than the content of emails themselves.

Third, as part of this investigation but independent of the attack on Google, we have discovered that the accounts of dozens of U.S.-, China- and Europe-based Gmail users who are advocates of human rights in China appear to have been routinely accessed by third parties. These accounts have not been accessed through any security breach at Google, but most likely via phishing scams or malware placed on the users' computers.

Green Dam technology indeed. :roll:

A lot of company only see 1.3 billion potential consumers and lose their heads when they come to China. That is fail. The current Chinese economy/economical growth is built upon the wreckage of these investments and disappeared dollars/research/products. People need to understand that China is a protected market for the politically connected. Once you start to play ball with the Chinese, you need to keep your eyes wide open and mouth shut.

Seriously, it's the 2010! You think people will learn after 20 years. :|

As for me, I am not looking forward to using chinese search engines filled with crap results full of viruses, scams, and junk mail fill sites.

Btw, this is no way a self promotion, but I had written a blog post about dealing with the Chinese in things like this:
Actually, this ain't Green damn, that just a piece of shit cost 40 million and did nothing.

And I don't care if we can't use anymore, at least we have .com, and most significantly, Tor.
This really seems something that the Chinese goverment would plan to do, accessing human right activists emails. And, as you said, even 20 years after the cold war, this is happening :| Pretty outrageous.

I dont like chinese, and I really dont trust them. Yeah, people may tell me that this is prejudice, but whatever, I knew enough chinese people to see that their problems with another people comes from their culture, not something from the individual.
I've worked with some Chinese a few times, both times it was very professionally adding experience, but socially exhausting. I've learned that, chinese people:

1-Dont like you. They can be sympathetic after a great deal of time meeting you, but they dont really like you.

2- Wont make your life easy. Why? If you can do things for them, they'll ask you for it, and sometimes you wont stand doing anymore favors. But once you ask something, they may even accept, but they'll try to make you feel miserable for that.

Thats what I learned from working with chinese.

both these reasons (the way chinese people think, and chinese gov doing whatever they want, even if its totally illegal and a crime in western terms, and nobody doing shit about it) are enough to me to think they arent going out of this situation so soon.

P.S: @Starseeker your blog is really great. Pretty realistic
radiatedheinz said:
This really seems something that the Chinese goverment would plan to do, accessing human right activists emails. And, as you said, even 20 years after the cold war, this is happening :| Pretty outrageous.

I dont like chinese, and I really dont trust them. Yeah, people may tell me that this is prejudice, but whatever, I knew enough chinese people to see that their problems with another people comes from their culture, not something from the individual.
I've worked with some Chinese a few times, both times it was very professionally adding experience, but socially exhausting. I've learned that, chinese people:

1-Dont like you. They can be sympathetic after a great deal of time meeting you, but they dont really like you.

2- Wont make your life easy. Why? If you can do things for them, they'll ask you for it, and sometimes you wont stand doing anymore favors. But once you ask something, they may even accept, but they'll try to make you feel miserable for that.

Thats what I learned from working with chinese.

both these reasons (the way chinese people think, and chinese gov doing whatever they want, even if its totally illegal and a crime in western terms, and nobody doing shit about it) are enough to me to think they arent going out of this situation so soon.

P.S: @Starseeker your blog is really great. Pretty realistic

while I don't doubt your experiences with the chinese you worked with are honest and truthful, it sounds like you're judging 1.2 billion people on those experiences. do you see the problem with that?

I can't wait until cyberspace has the same property values as regular property, and the biological suitcase bombs start going off over these things.

What? That sounds ridiculous you say? Nebulous concept you say? I thought you were into those types of things. Ya know, like politics and values and property and ideals and stuff. Fucking hypocritical dumbass with no sense of fun.

I'm sorry, China... has a way of making me going off the deep end.
yeah, I know, and yeah, thats sad. But I am still open minded enough, to, when some chinese person treat me well, I admit it, and even get happy about that.

But, I'd like to point that I am not judging 1.2 billion people based on 10 or 20 chinese.
Every year in São Paulo, we have a motorcycle event. Since 2008 they decided to do a partnership with China and bring something around 130 stand booths, each booth from a different company, and give them a place in the event called "Chinese Pavilion" Each of them has 2 to 4 persons. So, almost 400 people. All of them Chinese.
I could say that 50% of them didnt speak english, just chinese. Some of them were smart enough to contract personal translators, from chinese to portuguese.
From those who werent that smart, they offered 10 english-portuguese translators. I were one of those. (yeah, my english is not goddamn fluent, but its enough for that job, and I think they get satisfied with me, since they called me in 2008, 2009 and now in 2010 again)
10 translators to something like 150 chinese whose were maniacs on doing business, for 4 days, from 10 am to 9 pm.
I considered that a very tiring job. I did what I could, and some of them got happy with me. Others of them blamed me for them dont doing any business, like it was my fault the product being expensive.
If that werent hard enough, I had to hear during all the day comments about how brazilian food tastes bad, how we all look alike (I am trying to figure that out until now), how our cities are ugly, how we are stupid (i.e: me in the lunch, talking to a chinese woman, asking her a couple of things about china, and communism, and etc:
"- Your school is very bad. You dont learn nothing.
- Hm, why should I know such details about china? Do you know things like that about Brazil?
- no, but China is a important country in the world"
Needless to say I almost got off of the table. And worse, I know quite a lot about communism, soviet russia, China, and etc, I just wanted to know more from someone who lived there)

Well, it ended. They, I mean, all of them, gave me that impression. The ones who I couldnt talk to, because they didnt spoke english, came in front of me, talked with all chinese around them in chinese, laughed, looked at me, made commentaries, and when they left, nobody even explained to me what they were talking about. And thats VERY Common. (you may think "stop whining, what a pussy, whats wrong with that", but I consider really really rude, specially since we were in a work ambient).

And thats only what I told about Chinese from China. Chinese immigrants in Brazil would piss on us, if they could.
aenemic, this is not a uniqe experience...

i have heard from a number of people who have had experience with dealing with chinese people/government.

from different sources here is what i have heard.

1) they do not like you if you are not chinese. they are very racist. you are thought of like you think of that stray cat/dog you see running around your neighborhood.

you are treated as if you are someone to exploit because you are not chinese, therefore you are not smart.

2) if you have something they want, they will smile and nod and then stab you in the back at every opportunity. due to the complexity of the nuances of the chinese language, when you use it, if you use it wrongly, they may smile and nod at you, but they will try to cut you down.

i have even heard that they will do it in front of you to others.

if you are a foreigner, you are an enemy and not worth much.
If they really hacked google in search for human rights activists, arent you in danger just by posting this here? (since you live there, or you dont and dont plan to return?)
aenemic said:
while I don't doubt your experiences with the chinese you worked with are honest and truthful, it sounds like you're judging 1.2 billion people on those experiences. do you see the problem with that?
All Brazilians know how to party! ... It seems that no one mind blanket compliments.

Jokes aside, I actually think that it can be helpful for a person doing any kind of international (or even interprovincial) travel, communications, or business to have stereotypes inform their actions and reactions. Sure make sure your stereotypes are accurate (based on first-hand accounts, news, etc. not prejudices aka pre-judgments). Sure understand that people in different positions will have different faults and talents (e.g. the Chinese rural farmer vs. the Chinese bootleg DVD salesman). Sure make sure you treat an individual like they are an individual. But if you go into a place or a situation with the idea "I've just got to keep an open mind" and you try to act like you normally do, you might just make a fool out of yourself or worse get ripped off, arrested, or killed.