Goris Animation and Script Question!


Vault Senior Citizen
Plz, need so me help bevause i will make the Elder in Arroyo to sit up/down when the fight begin/over.

Like Goris but it doesn't work!!! So plz help
Here the command:

procedure combat_is_starting_p_proc begin

// if (self_visible) then
// art_change_fid_num(self_obj, 25); Taken out per Jesse

procedure combat_is_over_p_proc begin
// if (self_visible) then
// art_change_fid_num(self_obj, 99);

Whe i add to the Elder script ,or chanche the hole script in mapper to goris nothing happenst and yes i have the animations with the AG ending in my critter folder!

Why it doesn't work PLZ Hel me out!
Its not the script i think it ist the critter.
I edit gorris critter that he looks like the elder then i put the stand up animation in the critters folder and put the critter on the map and edit the script to and AI to elder. When i will fight she is standing up! :clap:

But when figt is over then come gorris robe animation and on the map is gorris Plz help me, i will make the elder able to sit and up down when fighting!
Hi Mr.Wolna.
The two procedures do nothing becouse they're set to be ignored:
The double slash means the compiler has to ignore the content of what follows them.
I got a look at Goris' script and for the little I know the whole thing could be hardcoded. You could give the stand up and sit down animations a different code, the Elder sprite should lack animations sets, minigun and rifle, for example. You could use rifle shoot for stand up and rifle burst for sit down, and call them in your script.
Something like this:
procedure combat_is_starting_p_proc begin 

      reg_anim_animate(self_obj, ANIM_fire_burst, -1);
      reg_anim_play_sfx(self_obj, sound2, 0);//if it's the case
See you.
Isn't it a FRM animation tags thing? Check out this excerpt from the modding faq

TF said:
Isn't it a FRM animation tags thing? Check out this excerpt from the modding faq

Yes it is!

and i get this error ising your code:
Udefined Symbol (LVAR_First_Combat); and whec i cut this out then came the same problem with sound2 :(

Without this two a can make the script but it does not work is this frm name Right? NAROBEJK
Hello Mr.Wolna.
When using variables you have to declare them somewhere. For local variables you can simply declare them in your scripts:

#define LVAR_First_Combat; (4)

This tells the scripting engine that the variable exists and it's ready to be used. The number between brackets is the variable number in your script, so edit it accordingly. See any critter script for reference. The sound must be declared as a variable too. This step isn't compulsory, you only need it if you want to play a particular sound as the critter moves.

You use a variable to check if the critter has to do something or not, and when.
If you want your critter to perform an action only once, then try this:
procedure combat_is_starting_p_proc begin 
   if (local_var(LVAR_First_Combat) == 0)  then begin

      reg_anim_animate(self_obj, ANIM_fire_burst, -1); 
      reg_anim_play_sfx(self_obj, sound2, 0);//if it's the case 
I recommend you use FSE for your scripts, expecially if you're a beginner. If you're makeing a script from scratch remember to register it.
See you.
I will try, thy you.
Is this the right animation for Elder Rifle Burst? NAROBEJK

Edit: Nope it doesn't worl meaby your try it by yourself!
This script is ineresting. A while ago we (MR Mod) were toying with the idea of using some of the FOT models of some soldiers. I was going to convert the critters prone animations over as well. The ide was that when combat would start the emeny soldiers would duck/lay down for cover. It should be easy enough to do :)