Goris' Animation & Mapper Error


First time out of the vault
Hey, I'm wondering if anybody has looked into making it so Goris is always a grey deathclaw, ie) replace his robed proto with his non robed version and then edit ?something? so he doesn't procede through the de/robing animation.

I have modified the .frm responsible for the two animations (marobeag.frm and madeth.frm) and have uploaded them as my fix.

(Admins, could you remove my first version?, I submitted it as a file name with a space and it doesn't have the extension in it thus, kinda useless unless people take the wild stab that it is a zip.)

If I replace Goris' script with anything else, he still robes/derobes.

Is this actually hardcoded or is there something in his prototype that I'm missing?

Now for the Mapper Error/Bug.

If I place Goris on a map, then attach his ocgoris.int script to him, he doesn't talk to me. The "talk to" flag is on but he doesn't respond at all.

Even if I take him in Vault 13, modify his script to something else, then change his script back he won't talk to me. If I reload the mapper after making those changes to his prototype and just F8 into the map then he will talk to me.

Any thoughts?
not sure on the first part, and not certain on the second part, but i'll take a stab at it..

1. the robing / disrobing may be his "equiping weapon" animation.. are you sure you have the right frm?

2. the mapper does not always initialise scripts properly the second time you F8 into a map.. hence it working after reloading..
You might get help from topics that want to change there party members into horrigan. I uses cpt Corpse cheat tool. I and can tell you that it can change the apearence of goris (and every other critter) as well.

And welcome back Cojack (your staying right?)
2. I can replace his script with anybody's and i can f8 many times and it works...i guess that can still be chalked up to the mapper being fitty eh?

1. Goris has his own animation...

If i make the appearance of his robed form to that of his combat form and enter combat, he does no animation. After battle, he puts his cloak on, even though all his level and non level protos are that of his combat form