* Ingame time can be seen in the quest menu
* Post processing options were "detached", so you can choose depth of field without bloom
* You can see the saving date and time of quicksaves
* "End option in dialogues missing" bug fixed
* Headknock arrows fixed (no fire effects anymore; humanoid victims will drop down; animals and monsters will die instead of freeze)
* Golems won't be harmed by "normal" arrows or bolt
* Fire arrows now work depending on how fast they were shot and not depending on how much health points the "victim" has left
* Skeletons will be damaged by fire arrows
* Perk "Improve robes" fixed
* Perk "Improve armor" cautiously enforced
* Perk "Make excuses" improved
* Perk "Resistance to cold" fixed
* Exploit at the Alchemist's bench fixed
* Transformation into bloodfly improved (can travel faster, won't die when falling down from great hights, "climbing" improved)
* When you can't learn a perk or spell, the missing requirements will be displayed on screen
* You can barbecue raw meatbug
* The rebels in Gotha won't accuse you to be a thief when you robbed the city before the rebuilding of Gotha began
* The rebels in the "inner castle" of Faring won't react aggressive on you
* It's not possible to open an inventory while swimming, talking or performing magic anymore
* Exploit of the scroll "Summon flaming sword" fixed
* Summoned creatures are more powerful again (the official patch 1.12 unintentionally reduced that)
* Grafic bug when starting Gothic without any logo video fixed
* Thorald will accompany the hero to the mine
* Also ranged weapons can be activated by pressing the space bar
* Music can be turned off completely
* "Scripted state is not registered: ZS_Spectator!" bug fixed