Hello all! As the webmster for the Annunaki I guess its my responsiblity to inform you that annunakiguild.net is up again! I've been dropping links that seem to be working so far, but since BPen didn't know about it I guess I had to make the "Grand Announcement".
Now the biggest problem facing the new guild is lack of new content. Our sister site, Slinky's Archives, have about thrity or fourty fics but we need more members and more new blood! Check out the main page:
There are links just about everywhere so that you may get in touch with me.
PS: Just to make this clear before hand... we are NOT the Illumniati's rival by any means. William (or Rylmem or whoever he is now ) hasn't told me this directly but, I doubt you will be tossed from the Illuminati if you join this guild. And I know you won't get tossed from the Annunaki if you are found to be pandering to the Illuminati. We already have dual members and everyone is quite happy thank you.
So what are you waiting for? Get Going!
True Raven
The Annunaki FanFic and Thoery Guild
Now the biggest problem facing the new guild is lack of new content. Our sister site, Slinky's Archives, have about thrity or fourty fics but we need more members and more new blood! Check out the main page:
There are links just about everywhere so that you may get in touch with me.
PS: Just to make this clear before hand... we are NOT the Illumniati's rival by any means. William (or Rylmem or whoever he is now ) hasn't told me this directly but, I doubt you will be tossed from the Illuminati if you join this guild. And I know you won't get tossed from the Annunaki if you are found to be pandering to the Illuminati. We already have dual members and everyone is quite happy thank you.
So what are you waiting for? Get Going!
True Raven
The Annunaki FanFic and Thoery Guild