Graphic Art: OneTh3ory (My Site)


First time out of the vault
Well, I'm new here, played Fallout and FT:BoS

Still playing FT:BoS, got it about 6 days ago.


I'm a graphic designer, please take a look:

The DA page is more up to date though.

Er... yea. You can rate some of the art too if ya want. The site hasn;t been updated for a while, Exams and all.

Hi. BTW OneTh3ory is my other Online alias thing.
*post count goes ding!*

Isn't advertisement, like, against the r00lz?
Good for you. I'm sure ya mean leetspeak.

I'll probs be making a fallout wallpaper soon.

Advertising against the rules? O.o uhoh.. but that's kinda lame no?
Lame or not, it's a rule.

Also, you'd take my advice to chill out. 3 posts in and already questioning and violating the rules?
Sorry, :(

Me delete in a sec. Question: Why?

Not that the reason i posted about the site is I wanted a critique (however small) on the site and the wallpapers.
FR33K said:
Advertising against the rules? O.o uhoh.. but that's kinda lame no?

No, we do it for a reason. A lot of people spam forums with their webpages/clans/whatever, and it gets annoying after a while. I'm undecided what to do here - but since you at least put it in the right forum, which is more than most people can do, I'll let it stand until UJ or an admin decides differently.
Ah well, links removed, check profile if ya want the wallpapers. More are on me DeviantArt profile in 'links'
Beware of spyware on desktopX. You`ll find a few more deviants here on NMA, try to look the art forum. And yeah, advertising your site isn`t a thing people around here like, put it on your sig instead and soon enough you`ll get a few clicks.
Briosafreak said:
spyware o destopX.

I dunno, I'm pretty careful with this stuff, I'll go run ad-aware again :p

I actually bought StyleXP. That scares me.

Art section... *flies*
You might as well put the links back in while the thread is still around, because without the links there's absolutely no reason to keep the thread around at all - just make sure they don't go to any pages that attempt to install unwanted things on people's computers.
My issue is with the bastardized English, not the advertisement. Its something to click on and often turns out to be interesting. Just don't mangle the language more than it already is is my thing.
They're back, and Murdoch, english is really screwed up, I agree, but it's a lot easier to learn (It's my 3rd language)

But numbers are just... easy.
No, numbers are completely useless and silly. What the hell's the use in saying FR33K over freak?
does it matter? it's his nick, his choice...

he could call himself fucktard if he wanted no?

btw: fr33k could also be just freek, which is a name in dutch
l33t speak IS against the rules...but if put it in his name, we can't do anything.

but start posting in leet and...

I like that.. Looks like a pic I saw doing an art project a while back.. Hans Grosz methinks
IT's from an old WWII propaganda poster. IIRC i made one for every moderator/admins here.

I also have
