Ground Zero: Screens and a Few Paragraphs


Night Watchman
Staff member
Moriendor at RPGdot has posted some screenshots as well as some facts about a PA-like strategy game, allegedly with role-play elements - 'Ground Zero'. Here's what's been made known about the plot: <blockquote>Nobody remembers who started it. But does this really matter? It lasted only a few seconds. A short, intense flash of light and the world would never be the same again.

Humanity bombed itself back to stone age. The cities are burnt down and the earth is covered wit deserts. The few survivors struggle to survive.

The ones with enough will and strength start searching for other survivors.

Law and order has ceased to exist. Food and water are rare and many don’t hesitate to use brutal force to get what they want.

But there might be hope for rescue. Again and again the few working radios are repeating: “Your resort, your chance for a new life. Rebuilding has started. Come to the coordinates 34N, 53W. We are waiting for you!“. </blockquote>

In the game, the player is to assume command over a group of survivors and lead them into a new age of power and dominance - by whatever means he deems appropriate. To accomplish that, one'll have to conqurer and hold 20 distinct areas, given the choice between 250 different items - weapons, armour, building materials and food. Also, there are 3 different professions: mercenary, technician, and doctor.

During his missions the player will meet different characters to trade with, recruit or talk to, so I guess this is where role-play sets in. Also, he'll have a chance to scavenge some potentially useful objects.

For some screens:
Coming in April 2005.
Link: Ground Zero Homepage

Thanks to SickBastard for the heads up!
I wish that they had a page in English so that I could find out abit more about their engiene. Since atm. its only in German :S

But the screens looks kinda good..
YES! YES! This smells like Burntime 2! I'm sold like a one-dollar whore!



* Innovative 3D-strategy game with roleplaying elements
* More than 250 misc weapons, equipment and other items
* fully dynamic light- and shadow calculation
* day/night cycle and weather
* more than 20 different maps of industrial areas, cities and military facilities"

Still sounds like a mental successor to Burntime to me.


More proof they were inspired by Burntime:

"[..] the technician builds useful items like rat traps, radios and water pumps from found utilities"

Exactly that was the kind of things you could build in Burntime (except for radios) and Burntime was all about taking over cities with a few men and protecting them against other groups.

Hopefully the difficulty will be more human this time.
I've noticed that alot of PA games that are coming out or in development are german... :terminator:
teh fonx said:
i think theyre just making up for the fact that they never got to have a nuke of their own.
Except in "Operation Philadelphia 2". :)

But I don't think the Russians would have to compensate for that, and behold...
Am I the only one to wonder why a stump in the second picture just happens to be screaming "This damned radiation!" ? Is your character a stump?

Stumpy! Savior of the Wastes!!! For the Proletariat, for great victory!

*cough* Ahem. - Colt
There's also a tree asking what time it is :/

OMG! It's the radiated sentient forest of doom!
Damn you Colt and Jebus, you guys gave me so bad laugh I nearly flipped off my chair. Shit, my belly hurts now. :D

Anyways that radio transmission thing very much reminded me of "On the Beach" movie and radio transmision in there ... and what it actualy was.