Ground Zero Team News


Night Watchman
Staff member
What's been posted at the Trinity site:
<blockquote>It's time for another update. As you might have noticed, we've been experiencing server problems. At this point everything is all right and we're hoping it'll remain that way. We've got one more thing to say regarding the website - we've dought a domain recently ant thus you can easily navigate to our site by typing in (or simply - until our team main page is up). A Forum is available at and More good news follow - the work on the title has sped up, presently the game skeletal structure is under development, the game physics, the scripting system, the location editor and we've also started work on the AI. Recently, the graphical user interface has been designed. A team of our programmers is taking care of all that. But they're not the only ones to be working; The writers are also doing a great job and we estimate that the storyline is ca 40% ready.

For the time being the only thing that falls behind are the graphics. The reason is a purely human one - we don't have enough skilled graphic artists, both 2D and 3D, animators and concept artists. So I'm encouraging every graphic artists to cooperate. It'll be hard to create anything without you guys, and with you... the postnuclear RPG fans will be bestowed on a game they've been waiting a long time for. :)</blockquote>
PsychoSniper said:
With luck theyll pick up some people with the needed skill.
Indeed they will.

Maybe I'll post some more good news for you to comment tomorrow :D
They should just learn to look in the right communitys.
UT and HL communitys are GREAT, aswell as a bunch of other forums.
They could easily pick up someone with the wanted skill.
If you're looking for people, is a great place for finding people.
If I didn't have so much other things going on right now, I'd be sure to help out... hm... maybe in late January. If you're still looking then :)

Good luck!
They should just learn to look in the right communitys.
UT and HL communitys are GREAT, aswell as a bunch of other forums
Aggre with that.

I have add announcement to polish HL, CS boards about people who have expedience with VHE - and i find 17 People who want to work with me - Level Designers.
I can chose 5 from those 17 people, everyone have great skill, difficut to chose someone :P

I think, that Trinity must start search for people not onlny in Poland.