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How about the ability to join more different types of groups. Like how in fallout 1 you were so excited that you got into the "Brotherhood of Steel" ; and how about the group you pick affects your game role, not completely different story but sort of like being a slaver in Fallout 2.(Which was the only group you could actually join that would affect anything, and it was negative for the most part, except for joining the stupid rangers which had no effect at all, that I saw). My point is to have more choice of affect(like in Fallout 1) you should have more organizations to join that affect your journey through the wasteland.

Ohhh and some sweet covert ops gear: camo armor, night vision goggles, (like they actually have in real life; seriously no one thought of those things c'mon)

one more thing: those big guns in The Matrix that mouse, the skinny kid, uses when he pulls them out of the case right before he gets shot full of holes :7

Thanks for reading my extremely long message [pLaSt1c]
>Ohhh and some sweet covert ops
>gear: camo armor, night vision
>goggles, (like they actually have
>in real life; seriously no
>one thought of those things
>one more thing: those big guns
>in The Matrix that mouse,
>the skinny kid, uses when
>he pulls them out of
>the case right before he
>gets shot full of holes

On these two items. Are you too young to notice the style of Fallout and what it is, or you just happened to miss that? The style of Fallout is as depicted by a 50's-60's sci-fi pulp comic.
No I understand Fallout very well. My point was like in Fallout one you can Join brotherhood of steel but it doesn't affect that many things in the game. Or how in Fallout 2 you can join Slavers and it does have some effect with certain people in the game, but not everyone. Well my point was there should be more groups you can join like: BOS or Slavers
Because in a post-apocalyptic world people would have to band together to survive, and would be looking for people to Join their group. And obviously some of the groups do not get along, therefore effecting your progression through the game. And I'm not saying you pick a group to Join in the beginning, you find them throughout the game and can join like the BOS in Fallout 1. And you could be able to join more than one group but it would affect your gameplay. Like how joining the Huboligists in Fallout 2 , you got different reactions than if you were a slaver. I didn't mean for there to be 30 groups to join and that is the main point of the game. But exactly like joining BOS, or Huboligsts or Slavers, but there would be a few more of these groups to give you more of a freedom in-game. Along with the possibilty that there are other advanced groups such as BOS.

Now that I've FULLY explained it to you I hope you understand what I meant, not to change the game you jackass.
">Ohhh and some sweet covert ops
>gear: camo armor, night vision
>goggles, (like they actually have
>in real life; seriously no
>one thought of those things
>one more thing: those big guns
>in The Matrix that mouse,
>the skinny kid, uses when
>he pulls them out of
>the case right before he
>gets shot full of holes "

Roshambo was talking about this, remember the sentence " On these two items"...

A pair of very unfortunate ideas giving the setting on wich Fallout is placed.

Calling him a jackass and having that nick doesn`t help too x(
> No I understand Fallout very

You certainly have problems using a message board, it seems.

>Now that I've FULLY explained it
>to you I hope you
>understand what I meant, not
>to change the game you

That's one.

As briosafreak pointed out, I was referring to two things in particular, obviously because I quoted them and replied to them.
calm down everyone his idea's wern't that bad i like the groups thing but the camo and night vision crap is a BIG no no
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Oct-07-02 AT 01:41PM (GMT)[p]>the camo
>and night vision crap is
>a BIG no no

That's my point, but if the chimp is going to get an attitude whilst displaying no obvious ability of using a message board (or for that matter, reading what the fuck I quoted and wrote), then screw 'em. There's another thread on this topic from a while back brought up by someone who doesn't display such conversational deficiencies.
Ok ok the night vision was a little overboard, but do you seriously think someone trying to sneak around and kill people wouldn't have any type of camoflauge? There should at least be some type of armor that helps to camoflouge, kind of like the stealth boy but on a suit of armor. Because you may think I am stupid and "get an attitude whilst displaying no obvious ability of using a message board" but I know most people would agree that in a post-nuclear environment, where there are many people hostile towrards you, ans sometimes you are walking around the wasteland alone that you might want some type of cover from enemies, e.g. camoflauge, to hide or not fight or run from every hostile encounter you come across.

Or at least tie some weeds or pieces of bushes to your clothes or armor. Any type of camo is NOT a bad idea.
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Oct-07-02 AT 07:07PM (GMT)[p]The camo was pretty much a minor part, I was really pointing out the Matrix guns part in particular. True, some camo would be a good thing to have, somewhat, and I'll go into that further. However, the "sweet covert ops gear: camo armor, night vision goggles, (like they actually have in real life; seriously no one thought of those things c'mon)" was the point I brought up in particular. like they actually have in real life has no bearing to Fallout since it's as depicted by a (around) 40's-60's sci-fi comics. Covert ops didn't play a part at all with sci-fi pulp of that time. Mostly it was a seriously amazing kick-ass hero with a gun/laser gun/whatever, a smooth-talking hero, or an Indiana Jones-sort of thief type character, and hence it's where those archetypes are formed in part. But mostly it was action-orientated.

Navy SEALs really doesn't fit the picture. Try to see if you can get some 1930-1960's era sci-fi radio serials, they are quite fun to listen to and can explain a lot.
Thanks for a reply where you didn't shoot down everything I said, and for the radio idea I will check that out sometime.

and those guns on the matrix, I just thought those were some sweet guns and if they have miniguns then......... why not those too. But I was wrong there.
>Thanks for a reply where you
>didn't shoot down everything I
>said, and for the radio
>idea I will check that
>out sometime.

Well, I do agree with more groups, but as I've mentioned before this topic has been tossed around before.

>and those guns on the matrix,
>I just thought those were
>some sweet guns and if
>they have miniguns then......... why
>not those too. But I
>was wrong there.

Well, miniguns have been around for over a hundred years, and have played a part in the sci-fi I speak of. Clunky energy weapons of certain styles are another item of note.
Yup! This has been talked before.
But Rosh! Didn't we got a night vision device in the 50's? I knew that this thing a little bit futuristic but i saw an old M1 Carbine with a night vision device in museum which purchased by our army in 50's!!
For the Matrix gun i don't agree!!! That's too.....emmm... Bozar should be fine....
Isn't that Infra red was around in '50s and 60s? Well not much popular, but DOES exist (like FN FAl with night sight? Remember?)

In God we Trust

Sorry to nitpick, call it Belgian pride, but it's FN FAL. If it was just an honost typo, i apologize.


Nunc ut nunquam
As we said before JR, me and BFM use community Net not home Net. Well you know, in our University. Apparently BFM use those computer with bad keyboard....

Hey BFM! FN FAL wt Night Sight is not a 50's gun, it exist in 1970's (Check out the pictures. That's a 3rd generation Starlite Scope....)
The first generation Starlite used in Korean war by US Spec Ops. The only reasons to attach that to M-1 Carbine because it's too heavy (about 10 pounds....)
Well the problem were, this thing TOO HEAVY, TOO BIG, TOO CUMBERSOME, TOO UNRELIABLE, TO SURVIVE the Apocalypse. But this is a game right!!