GSP White Label FO1: What Order to Install Mods?


First time out of the vault
Hey all! I'm new to the forums.

Many years ago, as a child, the son of my dad's good friends had left us quite a few old CD-ROMs as he had outgrown them. Things ranging from Putt-Putt and Freddi Fish to some slightly grittier things such as DOOM and Fallout.

I never got into the game and lost it long ago.

With the hype about Fallout 3, seeking to reintroduce myself to the series, I bought myself the White Label UK Edition of Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout: Tactics. (Fun Fact: I actually bought the FO1/2 Jewel Case Bundle but the seller was out so gave this as consolation).

No big deal, right? It's censored but there's ways to restore the children.

I restored said children to my copy and put in the TeamX patch and High Resolution patch, played quite a bit and loved it.

Of course I just recently learned about sfall and whatnot, but it's conflicting with the high resolution patch. Additionally I think a new TeamX patch is out since I updated my copy.

Long story short: In what order should I install mods (or at least the TeamX patches, high resolution patch, and sfall). Even though the sfall versions say they're for "Fallout US 1.2" would they still work with the UK edition? They seem to, more or less. Additionally would anyone happen to know the initial version FO1 is at when it's installed from the White Label Edition? Need I put in any official patches before putting in the third party stuff?

Thanks. Lots of questions, but it's tricky to get straight answers with games this old. :)
Thanks. Additionally (as I don't want to make another thread), is there a way to bypass the DirectX Runtime Components the White Label FO1 installer adds? Being dated 2004 I don't really have that much confidence in putting them into my system...

(It does it every time, it's not just a onetime thing - so I'm sure nothing is wrong with MY DirectX components)
Usually DirectX installer asks you if it's Ok to update your components. It's enough to just press Cancel. Anyway, if this option is not available, DirectX will NOT replace your current components with an outdated versions from CD. So, you can just allow the update process to run till the end. Nothing will be harmed or replaced.

By the way, there had been reported some troubles appearing while running 1.2+1.3.4+sfall+hires patch on th UK versions of the game. I am just about to release an updated version of the semiofficial patch. So, if you spot some scripted events not running, like assassin not trying to kill Killian or Skullz not trying make a brawl at the bar, contact me please.
Alright. The White Label FO1 installer is a generic InstallShield wizard (it's not customized like the FO2 and Tactics installers on the DVD) that installs FO1 and "updates" DirectX without my consent, but I guess it's not changing any components from what you say.

Now, the matter of the mods:

Sfall conflicts with the high resolution patch since I tried it (before making this thread), but this still occurs even after reinstalling and repatching per the order on the wiki:

Regardless of what sfall windowed mode I use, it still comes out fullscreen with the game offset in a corner (the size the window should be) and everything is black. No, it's not my taskbar and desktop turning black due to the color palette, this thing here really IS coming up in fullscreen.

No matter. I don't really need sfall, I just thought it'd be nice if I could manage it to run in a window because I hate how the "static" interface components don't upscale with the high resolution patch - such as the overlay when in dialog with an NPC.

Or is there a way? :|
AFAIR, in Sfall for Fallout1, windowed mode works only when Mode=5 in the ini-file. And, as it mentioned in the remarks, DX9 videomodes unpredictably garble cutscenes. What means: no in-game videos. Just try to skip to the main menu instead.
I'd rather just keep it in fullscreen with the high resolution patch then.

Although, I DO want sfall's other tweaks such as the enabled scroll wheel. How would I go about this without it overriding the high resolution patch's, well...resolution?