Guide to run mods


First time out of the vault
Where can I find a guide of how to use these mods people are creating? It does not seem as easy as downloading the file into the Fallout Data folder. When I launch the game and click on the Data entry a pre-checked Fallout 3 Files option is the only one listed and none other, nor can I uncheck the option.

Someone has to know how I can run mods on my game? Please help (via a link, or advice, etc.)
Thank you very much. I checked out the Fomm.

1) What does Fomm stand for?

2) I downloaded 7zip, as apparently you need it to unzip this file. Yet, when I try and extract it, it allows me to extract it 'outside' 'inside' and it doesn't seem to actually allow more than unzipping it 'inside'. Once unzipped I see a bunch of files none of which allow me to start the program.

3) What are the exact steps to using the Fomm correctly? Will it open and then allow me to open up specific .bsa files in the Bethesda/Fallout/Data folder so I can then unpack them.

Thank you in advance.
Fomm is a hmm mod uploader and allows u to create basic plugin or edit them
Ther should be 2 folders and some files in that zip
The starter file is fomm.exe
If u have problem with extracting download 7zip becouse some other extractors may have a problem with it even with 7zip plugin

As for using it should read all *.esp files from ur fallout folder or fallout/data folder and thier are showed on the left side list just select them and press lunch fallout button