[updated:LAST EDITED ON Mar-18-03 AT 07:19AM (GMT)]Hey thanks =)
Now something about the Klamath quests (again).
I've finally due my stubbornness found a way to get all exp. out of the Dunton - Torr quests (well lets say the most and annoying isn't it
Well to describe it easy I would need some pics, but I'll try without them.
1) Get either quest 3 or 4.
2) When you get there the scorpion will attack as usual but don't kill it. Instead try to manoeuvre it over to the Duntons by keeping a large disstance between you and it. Then end combat.
3) Now go and kill of all the other scorpions.
4) Head back to the Duntons and Torr and try to place yourself in the middle of them.
5) Talk to the Duntons and tell them run of. When you've sucided, be very fast and hit A. Now throw a spore spike or whatever at the scorpion that you before manoeuvred near the Duntons.
6) Now place yourself at a hex which is close to the exit grind and which is demanded for the maxium distance to get a dialog with Torr (hope you understood).
7) Wait for the scorpion, kill it and end combat.
8) (Now fastness is required) Be very quick and get the pointer over Torr, to get a dialog with him (make sure that the Duntons didn't have time to run of).
9) Now tell Torr to run away and end dialog. Be fast again to hit the pointer once more to get an additional dialog with Torr.
10) This time tell him you'll help him to guard the brahmins. After you end the dialog be fast again and hit A.
11) While in combat mode make your way to the exit grind but because I guess that you haven't gotten the number to APs to do that in one turn do it like this. In combat mode run to the exit grind and use all but one of your APs. End combat and very fast hit A again to continue. As long as you've the Duntons in your sight make sure that they aren't allowed to take one step before you're able to hit A again.
12) If done correctly the Duntons and Torr shouldn't have been able to run of which nets you another 250 exp. and quest 6.
Also even if readme file says it Slim dosen't seem to have an unlimited outdoorsman training bug in version 1.0. =)