Guild Wars Beta Weekend Event January 7th 12:01 a.m.


It Wandered In From the Wastes
For those who are interested, the next beta weekend event (BWE) is approaching. You may be able to retrieve a one time use pass code from File Planet or by purchasing a preorder package which gives you an unlimited BWE pass code as well as a one time code for a friend.

It isnt your standard MMORPG which charges you, there is no monthly cost (this was briefly mentioned in another thread)

Your ability to compete is not determined by how many hours of power-gaming you have accomplished to get to the highest level with the most "uber" gear. You stand a chance as a level 1 character with your basic equipment against a level 20 character with the best available equipment....if you posess the skill to handle the game accordingly.

Their biggest concern with the development was balance. The game has been compared to "Magic: The Gathering" in regards to mechanics of abilities where no one ability is more powerful than any other. Having a good knowlege of abilities and how to prepare yourself for a coming battle comes into play here. You can not use all of the abilities you have at your disposal in a fight/mission. You must select 8 out of your available abilities before you begin your mission/fight. If you choose and use them wisely, you will be victorious. If you choose and use the poorly, you will be raped :wink: .

Good luck to those that wish to join the world in this revolutionary game BWE. It's going to be a blast.
no can do matey

World of Warcraft Final European Beta time :p
unless they reshedule it AGAIN...

Edge386 said:
Your ability to compete is not determined by how many hours of power-gaming you have accomplished to get to the highest level with the most "uber" gear. You stand a chance as a level 1 character with your basic equipment against a level 20 character with the best available equipment....if you posess the skill to handle the game accordingly.

yeeees and you can run faster than a racecar IF you posses supermans skills...

i hope you made an error in writing that sentence, cuz i can smell the horse shit from here. (belgium...)
Look a little more carefully.

Edge386 said:
....if you posess the skill to handle the game accordingly.

Edge386 said:
You must select 8 out of your available abilities before you begin your mission/fight. If you choose and use them wisely, you will be victorious. If you choose and use the poorly, you will be raped :wink: .

I didn't say anything about being a slaughtering machine at level 1 right off the bat, what fun would that be?

SuAside said:
yeeees and you can run faster than a racecar IF you posses supermans skills...

Yeah, lol, thats pretty much the jist of it when you're up against a player more adept than you at handling the game, on a more serious note, at level 1 you could defeat a level 7 of the same class/subclass structure. But the thing is, if you are retarded in handling your character at level 20, and there is a level 1 fighting you, even if you have the good gear, but suck at the game (by using the wrong skills at the wrong time) that level 1 stands a good chance against you if they know how to play the game well. So that is the jist of what I get from the Guild Wars website. I have yet to actually participate in a BWE so I wouldn't know first hand.

Meh, go ahead and pay $15 USD (or whatever the actual cost is, and then converted to your currency) a month for powergaming. Guild Wars has no monthly cost.

You a little "beats me like a baby seal" dribbled on your post. :wink:
i played the previous open beta (one week), so basically i've got a good idea what it's like. (although it was but an early beta)

all in all not a bad game. however if a level1 can beat a level20, the level 20 would have to be braindead. that's just silly.
of course skill comes into play. character handling and managing your skills need to be done right, but beating a character 19 levels higher than you are? good luck... (unless of course we are talking about a game with a levelcap of over 200, but last i checked that wasnt the case (or if you gank the poor sod))

while exploring the world is fun, leveling to get a better character is certainly also an incentive to continue playing. if you take away the power of a higher level char and make it so he can get his ass handed to him by a lowbie char, well there goes that incentive...

as for WoW? the price is 10.99 euros/month if you play for 6 months. i don't consider that too much, as i know i'll be playing it more in that month than a brandnew singleplayer game i would buy @ 50 euros...