First time out of the vault

I've been playing a Fallout inspired GURPS campaign for the past 10 years. As notes and documents keep piling up, I've decided it's time to compile this thing digitally. I decided to call it "expanded" as I learned there is already a documented GURPS conversion for Fallout but I find it rather unsatisfying IMO (specifically in terms of character creation).
This topic will be updated periodically as I manage to make sense of my lousy handwriting. If it gets large enough I plan to host it on an actual website. If you spot any discrepancies or have a question/concern please speak up. User input is the best path to success.
GURPS Fallout "Expanded"
Converting the SPECIAL system to GURPS 4E
This article lists the conversions between the SPECIAL system and the GURPS rule set. As both rules are different, conversion isn't perfect specifically in terms of attributes like Luck.
Strength [ST] = Strength*2 (e.g. a strength of 5 gives you 10 ST)
Dexterity [DX} = For agility 1-5 multiply by 2. Add one point to DX for every even number after 5 (e.g. an agility score of 4 gives you 8 DX whereas an agility of 6 gives you 11 DX)
Intelligence [IQ] = Add intelligence + perception (e.g. an intelligence of 4 and a perception of 6 gives you an IQ of 12)
Health [HT] = Endurance x 2
All derived attributes (Hp, Will, Perception, Fp, Base Speed, Dodge, and Move are calculated as normal).
Converting Charisma: For every point above 5 take the Charisma advantage (e.g. a charisma of 7 gives you Charisma 2 [10 points])
Converting Luck
1: Cursed disadvantage [-75 points]
2-3: Unluckiness + Total Klutz disadvantage [-25 points]
4: Unluckiness disadvantage [-10 points]
5: N/A
6-7: Luck advantage [+15 points]
8-9: Extraordinary Luck [+30 points]
10: Ridiculously Lucky
NOTE: Receiving a disadvantage through low luck does not count towards the standard disadvantage limit.
A trait is a collection of advantages of disadvantages that cancel each other out (point value always equals zero) however they do count towards the default 50% starting point limit in disadvantages. Furthermore, a trait's disadvantage cannot be purchased off using character points. Traits represent inherent genetic qualities thus can only be taken at character creation. A trait is unique to a specific body thus the only way to remove it short of divine intervention is by switching bodies. Traits can, however, be reduced by purchasing advantages (e.g. a character with the Gifted trait can later purchase the Talented advantage). Traits that have opposite effects (such as Finesse and Heavy Handed) may also be purchased. A character should be limited to 2 traits only.
Increased Metabolism: Acquire Very Rapid Healing advantage [15 points], Susceptible 1 (Poison) disadvantage [-4 points], Susceptible 1 (Radiation) disadvantage [-1 point], and Vulnerability x2 (radiation) disadvantage [-10 points].
Finesse: Your critical success threshold for the purposes of attacking only increase by 1 (e.g. 3-5 on a normal skill check, 6 on a check with an effective skill 15+ or 7 with an effective skill 16+). Subtract -2 per die when dealing damage (e.g. a weapon that deals 2d would instead deal 2d-2). Finesse counts as a -15 point disadvantage.
Gifted: You receive an additional 30 points that can only be spent on base attributes (ST, DX, IQ, HT). You or the GM chooses 5 skills with a difficulty of easy, average, or hard. Raise their difficulty to the next step and increase the time to learn them by 10% (e.g. choosing Boxing would make it a hard skill and take 220 hours to raise by one point). Selected skills are naturally difficult for you to learn but you may take advantages to reduce this genetic penalty such as Talent. Gifted counts as a -30 point disadvantage.
Good Natured: You receive a +2 bonus to the following skills: First Aid, Diagnosis, Physician, Surgery, Acting, Carousing, Detect Lies, Diplomacy, Fast-Talk, Merchant. You take a -2 to the following skills: Guns, Gunner, Beam Weapons, Brawling, Melee Weapon, and Thrown Weapon. Good Natured counts as a -15 point disadvantage.
Heavy Handed: Acquire the Arm ST +2 ST (both arms) advantage. Your critical success threshold for the purposes of attacking with a melee weapon, thrown weapon, or unarmed is reduced by 1 (e.g. 3 on a normal attack, 4 with an effective skill 15+, and 5 with an effective skill 16+). Heavy Handed counts as a -15 points disadvantage.
One Hander: You receive a +2 bonus to all Gun, Thrown Weapon, and Melee Weapon skills that require one hand. You receive a -2 penalty to all Gun, Thrown Weapon, and Melee Weapon skills that require two hands. One Hander counts as a -10 points disadvantage.
Skilled: You or the GM chooses 5 skills with a difficulty of average, hard, or very hard. Lower their difficulty to the next step and decrease the time to learn them by 10% (e.g. choosing Boxing would make it an easy skill and take 180 hours to raise by one point). Raising a primary attribute costs 10% more character points than normal (e.g. raising strength by one costs 11 character points). Skilled counts as a -30 points disadvantage.
Small Frame: +1 DX. You take a -2 penalty to strength when determining basic lift and encumbrance (e.g. a 130lbs load is extra heavy to a character with 10 strength and Small Frame). Small Frame is counts as a -20 points disadvantage.
Bloody Mess: Whenever a living creature within 200 yards of you dies it does so as violently as possible. Bloody Mess has no cosmetic or physical effect on a character but constantly witnessing grotesque deaths might make a character particularly hardened or fearful (a character with the Squeamish disadvantage and the Bloody Mess trait could be interesting to role play). Bloody Mess doesn't count as a disadvantage.
Bruiser: +2 ST, -1 DX. Bruiser counts as a -20 point disadvantage.
Chem Reliant: Recovering from the ill effects of an addictive drug lasts only half the time (6 – HT minimum of 30 minutes). The first time you take an addictive substance you must roll an HT or WILL check maximum 13 (depending on if the drug is physiological or psychological) check to resist becoming addicted (acquire the Addiction disadvantage based on the drug you've taken). If you succeed, you receive a cumulative -1 penalty to your HT roll if you take the drug again within 7 days. Chem Reliant counts as a -20 disadvantage.
Clean Living: If you are addicted to a substance, your withdrawal roll is made at your full bonus. It only takes 7 weeks to break an addiction. All effects of a physiological and psychological drug last only half as normal (6 – HT minimum of 30 minutes). Clean Living counts as a -10 point disadvantage.
Fast Shot: You receive an extra attack when using a ranged weapon. The Acc of every weapon you use (not counting bonuses applied with computers or telescopic sights) is zero. Fast Shot counts as a -25 point disadvantage.
Jinxed: Increase your threshold of a critical failure by one. Every creature in a 30 yard radius centered on you has their critical failure threshold increased by one. Jinxed counts as a -30 point disadvantage.
Kamikaze: Add +2.25 to your basic speed only when determining turn sequence and acquire the Daredevil advantage. Your dodge is only equal to your basic speed. Kamikaze counts as a -30 point disadvantage.
Night Person: +1 to IQ between 6:01PM and 6:00AM. -1 to IQ between 6:01AM and 6:00PM. Night Person counts as a -10 point disadvantage.
Sex Appeal: You receive a +4 bonus to reaction roles to members of the opposite sex. You receive a -4 penalty to reaction roles to members of the same sex. Sex Appear counts as a -12 point disadvantage.
Skill Conversions
Because GURPS has a diverse list of skills, several from the SPECIAL system have been broken up into smaller sub-skills. The following lists the skills from the SPECIAL system and the GURPS equivalent(s) of the specific skill. Skill conversions were decided on how they were applied in games using the SPECIAL system (specifically Fallout). Although Geography would fall under Science, it is not implied or used in the setting.
Barter: Merchant
Speech: Acting, Carousing, Detect Lies, Diplomacy, Fast-Talk, Intimidation
Unarmed: Brawling
Melee Weapons: Melee Weapon
Throwing: Thrown Weapon
Small Guns: Guns (Musket, Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, SMG)
Big Guns: Gunner, Guns (Grenade Launcher, LAW, LMG), Liquid Projector
Energy Weapons: Beam Weapons
First Aid: First Aid,
Doctor: Diagnosis, Physician, Surgery
Gambling: Gambling, Games
Lockpick: Lockpicking
Sneak: Stealth
Steal: Filch, Holdout, Pickpocket
Outdoorsman: Hiking, Naturalist, Navigation, Survival
Repair: Armoury, Electronics Repair, Mechanic
Traps: Explosives, Traps
Science: Computer Hacking, Computer Operation, Electronics Operation
Pilot: Driving, Pilot
NEXT UPDATE: New Advantages (based on SPECIAL perks), race templates, and sample characters.
This topic will be updated periodically as I manage to make sense of my lousy handwriting. If it gets large enough I plan to host it on an actual website. If you spot any discrepancies or have a question/concern please speak up. User input is the best path to success.
GURPS Fallout "Expanded"
Converting the SPECIAL system to GURPS 4E
This article lists the conversions between the SPECIAL system and the GURPS rule set. As both rules are different, conversion isn't perfect specifically in terms of attributes like Luck.
Strength [ST] = Strength*2 (e.g. a strength of 5 gives you 10 ST)
Dexterity [DX} = For agility 1-5 multiply by 2. Add one point to DX for every even number after 5 (e.g. an agility score of 4 gives you 8 DX whereas an agility of 6 gives you 11 DX)
Intelligence [IQ] = Add intelligence + perception (e.g. an intelligence of 4 and a perception of 6 gives you an IQ of 12)
Health [HT] = Endurance x 2
All derived attributes (Hp, Will, Perception, Fp, Base Speed, Dodge, and Move are calculated as normal).
Converting Charisma: For every point above 5 take the Charisma advantage (e.g. a charisma of 7 gives you Charisma 2 [10 points])
Converting Luck
1: Cursed disadvantage [-75 points]
2-3: Unluckiness + Total Klutz disadvantage [-25 points]
4: Unluckiness disadvantage [-10 points]
5: N/A
6-7: Luck advantage [+15 points]
8-9: Extraordinary Luck [+30 points]
10: Ridiculously Lucky
NOTE: Receiving a disadvantage through low luck does not count towards the standard disadvantage limit.
A trait is a collection of advantages of disadvantages that cancel each other out (point value always equals zero) however they do count towards the default 50% starting point limit in disadvantages. Furthermore, a trait's disadvantage cannot be purchased off using character points. Traits represent inherent genetic qualities thus can only be taken at character creation. A trait is unique to a specific body thus the only way to remove it short of divine intervention is by switching bodies. Traits can, however, be reduced by purchasing advantages (e.g. a character with the Gifted trait can later purchase the Talented advantage). Traits that have opposite effects (such as Finesse and Heavy Handed) may also be purchased. A character should be limited to 2 traits only.
Increased Metabolism: Acquire Very Rapid Healing advantage [15 points], Susceptible 1 (Poison) disadvantage [-4 points], Susceptible 1 (Radiation) disadvantage [-1 point], and Vulnerability x2 (radiation) disadvantage [-10 points].
Finesse: Your critical success threshold for the purposes of attacking only increase by 1 (e.g. 3-5 on a normal skill check, 6 on a check with an effective skill 15+ or 7 with an effective skill 16+). Subtract -2 per die when dealing damage (e.g. a weapon that deals 2d would instead deal 2d-2). Finesse counts as a -15 point disadvantage.
Gifted: You receive an additional 30 points that can only be spent on base attributes (ST, DX, IQ, HT). You or the GM chooses 5 skills with a difficulty of easy, average, or hard. Raise their difficulty to the next step and increase the time to learn them by 10% (e.g. choosing Boxing would make it a hard skill and take 220 hours to raise by one point). Selected skills are naturally difficult for you to learn but you may take advantages to reduce this genetic penalty such as Talent. Gifted counts as a -30 point disadvantage.
Good Natured: You receive a +2 bonus to the following skills: First Aid, Diagnosis, Physician, Surgery, Acting, Carousing, Detect Lies, Diplomacy, Fast-Talk, Merchant. You take a -2 to the following skills: Guns, Gunner, Beam Weapons, Brawling, Melee Weapon, and Thrown Weapon. Good Natured counts as a -15 point disadvantage.
Heavy Handed: Acquire the Arm ST +2 ST (both arms) advantage. Your critical success threshold for the purposes of attacking with a melee weapon, thrown weapon, or unarmed is reduced by 1 (e.g. 3 on a normal attack, 4 with an effective skill 15+, and 5 with an effective skill 16+). Heavy Handed counts as a -15 points disadvantage.
One Hander: You receive a +2 bonus to all Gun, Thrown Weapon, and Melee Weapon skills that require one hand. You receive a -2 penalty to all Gun, Thrown Weapon, and Melee Weapon skills that require two hands. One Hander counts as a -10 points disadvantage.
Skilled: You or the GM chooses 5 skills with a difficulty of average, hard, or very hard. Lower their difficulty to the next step and decrease the time to learn them by 10% (e.g. choosing Boxing would make it an easy skill and take 180 hours to raise by one point). Raising a primary attribute costs 10% more character points than normal (e.g. raising strength by one costs 11 character points). Skilled counts as a -30 points disadvantage.
Small Frame: +1 DX. You take a -2 penalty to strength when determining basic lift and encumbrance (e.g. a 130lbs load is extra heavy to a character with 10 strength and Small Frame). Small Frame is counts as a -20 points disadvantage.
Bloody Mess: Whenever a living creature within 200 yards of you dies it does so as violently as possible. Bloody Mess has no cosmetic or physical effect on a character but constantly witnessing grotesque deaths might make a character particularly hardened or fearful (a character with the Squeamish disadvantage and the Bloody Mess trait could be interesting to role play). Bloody Mess doesn't count as a disadvantage.
Bruiser: +2 ST, -1 DX. Bruiser counts as a -20 point disadvantage.
Chem Reliant: Recovering from the ill effects of an addictive drug lasts only half the time (6 – HT minimum of 30 minutes). The first time you take an addictive substance you must roll an HT or WILL check maximum 13 (depending on if the drug is physiological or psychological) check to resist becoming addicted (acquire the Addiction disadvantage based on the drug you've taken). If you succeed, you receive a cumulative -1 penalty to your HT roll if you take the drug again within 7 days. Chem Reliant counts as a -20 disadvantage.
Clean Living: If you are addicted to a substance, your withdrawal roll is made at your full bonus. It only takes 7 weeks to break an addiction. All effects of a physiological and psychological drug last only half as normal (6 – HT minimum of 30 minutes). Clean Living counts as a -10 point disadvantage.
Fast Shot: You receive an extra attack when using a ranged weapon. The Acc of every weapon you use (not counting bonuses applied with computers or telescopic sights) is zero. Fast Shot counts as a -25 point disadvantage.
Jinxed: Increase your threshold of a critical failure by one. Every creature in a 30 yard radius centered on you has their critical failure threshold increased by one. Jinxed counts as a -30 point disadvantage.
Kamikaze: Add +2.25 to your basic speed only when determining turn sequence and acquire the Daredevil advantage. Your dodge is only equal to your basic speed. Kamikaze counts as a -30 point disadvantage.
Night Person: +1 to IQ between 6:01PM and 6:00AM. -1 to IQ between 6:01AM and 6:00PM. Night Person counts as a -10 point disadvantage.
Sex Appeal: You receive a +4 bonus to reaction roles to members of the opposite sex. You receive a -4 penalty to reaction roles to members of the same sex. Sex Appear counts as a -12 point disadvantage.
Skill Conversions
Because GURPS has a diverse list of skills, several from the SPECIAL system have been broken up into smaller sub-skills. The following lists the skills from the SPECIAL system and the GURPS equivalent(s) of the specific skill. Skill conversions were decided on how they were applied in games using the SPECIAL system (specifically Fallout). Although Geography would fall under Science, it is not implied or used in the setting.
Barter: Merchant
Speech: Acting, Carousing, Detect Lies, Diplomacy, Fast-Talk, Intimidation
Unarmed: Brawling
Melee Weapons: Melee Weapon
Throwing: Thrown Weapon
Small Guns: Guns (Musket, Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, SMG)
Big Guns: Gunner, Guns (Grenade Launcher, LAW, LMG), Liquid Projector
Energy Weapons: Beam Weapons
First Aid: First Aid,
Doctor: Diagnosis, Physician, Surgery
Gambling: Gambling, Games
Lockpick: Lockpicking
Sneak: Stealth
Steal: Filch, Holdout, Pickpocket
Outdoorsman: Hiking, Naturalist, Navigation, Survival
Repair: Armoury, Electronics Repair, Mechanic
Traps: Explosives, Traps
Science: Computer Hacking, Computer Operation, Electronics Operation
Pilot: Driving, Pilot
NEXT UPDATE: New Advantages (based on SPECIAL perks), race templates, and sample characters.