Dracon M'Alkir
Vault Senior Citizen

Well, I decided it's high time to post my digust about this game that Microsoft has been pedalling as an excuse for people to go out and buy Windows Vista.
First off, the game has been released for the original XBOX say, three years ago?
Why would it even require DirectX10 to run? Why would it require phenominal amounts of added hardware?
Let's take a quick glance at the original XBOX's hardware config:
1. CPU: Intel P3 733 MHz.
2. RAM: Generic 64MB DDR 200MHz
3. GPU: Nvidia Geforce 3 Ti200 64MB (300MHz core)
4. SPU: Onboard
5. HDD: WD 7200RPM IDE 8GB
6. DVD: Generic 4x DVD-ROM
Next, let's take a look at what Microsoft is pushing for people just to be able to run Vista.
1. CPU: Intel P4 1GHz or higher
2. RAM: 1 GB
3. GPU: DX9 VIDCARD /w 128MB Memory Min/PXShader2.0
4. HDD: 40 GB
So, first off - we need 16 times the RAM to run Vista, a video card five times as powerful, at least 300 MHz higher clocked processor.
Not to mention I recall reading that Halo 2 would take "full advantage of Nvidia's newest next generation video cards, such as the 8800 series."
What the fuck is going on here?
Why must we get a system nearly 40 times more powerful than that of the original console?
If Microsoft/Bungie think they're going to get massive sales from bloating the shit out of their OS and then doing a half-assed port, they are wrong.
Not to mention that the release has already been delayed around 5 or 6 times.
First it was 2005, then 2006, then May 12th 2007, May 22nd 2007, now June 1, 2007.
I don't know if it's just me, but recently I'm becoming extremely sick at what the video gaming industry is shoving us.
That's all for my rant for today. I just felt like expressing my opinion in an organized matter so others could comment on it.
First off, the game has been released for the original XBOX say, three years ago?
Why would it even require DirectX10 to run? Why would it require phenominal amounts of added hardware?
Let's take a quick glance at the original XBOX's hardware config:
1. CPU: Intel P3 733 MHz.
2. RAM: Generic 64MB DDR 200MHz
3. GPU: Nvidia Geforce 3 Ti200 64MB (300MHz core)
4. SPU: Onboard
5. HDD: WD 7200RPM IDE 8GB
6. DVD: Generic 4x DVD-ROM
Next, let's take a look at what Microsoft is pushing for people just to be able to run Vista.
1. CPU: Intel P4 1GHz or higher
2. RAM: 1 GB
3. GPU: DX9 VIDCARD /w 128MB Memory Min/PXShader2.0
4. HDD: 40 GB
So, first off - we need 16 times the RAM to run Vista, a video card five times as powerful, at least 300 MHz higher clocked processor.
Not to mention I recall reading that Halo 2 would take "full advantage of Nvidia's newest next generation video cards, such as the 8800 series."
What the fuck is going on here?
Why must we get a system nearly 40 times more powerful than that of the original console?
If Microsoft/Bungie think they're going to get massive sales from bloating the shit out of their OS and then doing a half-assed port, they are wrong.
Not to mention that the release has already been delayed around 5 or 6 times.
First it was 2005, then 2006, then May 12th 2007, May 22nd 2007, now June 1, 2007.
I don't know if it's just me, but recently I'm becoming extremely sick at what the video gaming industry is shoving us.

That's all for my rant for today. I just felt like expressing my opinion in an organized matter so others could comment on it.