Handling melee companions (especially Rex)


Still Mildly Glowing
I'm having difficulty getting humanoid companions in melee mode actually attacking. I haven't put any points into guns, so I need to crouch to attack. My companions crouch, too, and if the enemy is too far away, they don't even ready their weapons. They don't rush the enemy to tank it like I'd hope. Lily's AI behaves how I'd like, but humans do not.

Rex, on the other hand, charges 50 yards ahead to attack the Deathclaw I just shot. One swipe from the Deatchlaw, and Rex has died (hardcore mode).

Is there something I can do to alter the AI of Human companions to actually have them attack and can I slow Rex down or keep him closer?

The only helpful thing I'd know about that is that you can give Rex a brain that makes him tougher when the time comes to replace his brain. When it's sniping time, you can always tell your companions to stand still, and tell them to follow you again when you're done. I assume you explored the companion wheel and dialog options to make sure there wasn't a strategy suiting your tastes?
Izual said:
The only helpful thing I'd know about that is that you can give Rex a brain that makes him tougher when the time comes to replace his brain. When it's sniping time, you can always tell your companions to stand still, and tell them to follow you again when you're done. I assume you explored the companion wheel and dialog options to make sure there wasn't a strategy suiting your tastes?

I have. I've not been able to find a "Ready your weapon when I draw mine and I'm in stealth" nor a "move at normal speed" for Rex.
I have never found a way to fix this. The companion AI is horrible.