Carib FMJ

Nuka-Cola Chaser
Another year, another era passing on leading unto a new dawn or perhaps a prelude of darker times to come.

The cup could be half full or half empty. But I must say been a wonderful year seeing, new and old faces. I see some of the old people from the beginning days of Vault 13net. Ah, times when Lord Roshambo was still the steal toed kicked dictator he is... and benevolent one at that.... (Remember Rama Stryfe?) Yeah, that was me....

Anyhow to all my peeps. East Coast, west Coast... North and SOuth Side.

Cheers and root beers,
Carib FMJ
I should be at a party right now, but I really didn't feel like dealing with people tonight.

Oh well!

20 more minutes.
Two hours until five years after the world was supposed to end.
55 minutes or so now... I should kill all, or some, of you here in the past so I won't have to talk to you tomorrow. Any takers?
From now on, you all can refer to me as.... Captain Hangover!

Cap'n! The crew is desperate for a good cup'a coffee.
Arr, I know... I be too... but it'll be yet an hour until they can keep it inside them!
Cor, cap! how'dya know all this?
This? This ain't nothin' compared to last Midsummer...
Fools! *hiccup* New Years does not exist! *hiccup* There is no transition between the "old" year and the "new" one. There is not a pause in time to allow us to enjoy this "new" year. Then again, is there? Cheers!
Oh, yeah, uh... It's been 4:30 hours since it changed for me and I didn't get a chance to kill any of you so... Until next year! - Colt
Happy New Year everyone. Had a great time last night at a party. Totally sober.
Happy new year! 8)

Here it has been more than 24hs since but what the heck. :wink: