Hardcore game in the RPGs?


Night Watchman
Staff member
[url=http://nma-fallout.com/article.php?id=7796 said:
In his Quad Made Man FAQ[/url], Joshua Jansen]Save early, save often. If you're doing a
hardcore game where you can save only once a day, then you ought not even
attempt this unless you have balls of steel (the type used in the Red Ryder LE,
you know, ball bearings.)

Hardcore game? In the RPG's? But... How? And how is it that I don't know?
He doesn't mean it like a technical term or game option or anything. Just limitations the player puts on himself. B&
This game requires saving. I got so many crashes (win2k) that saving is the only way to keep my sanity. Another thing is those lucky bastards with their critical hits. Should I laugh or cry, when some lousy thug comes with his toy and scores 160 points of damage with an armor penetrated critical hit straight in the eye. I usually cry...
Per said:
He doesn't mean it like a technical term or game option or anything. Just limitations the player puts on himself.

Meh. So I thought, but the context, like, freaked me out, dude.

Per said:

SH@ (yer skin, ya lizard! :P)