Has anybody makes aworking trader in a new map?


First time out of the vault
all is in the title, now my scripts are working fine, but i don't manage to create a new trader who simply barter
i havent done it myself, but i'm prety sure it is done with a couple of scripts and an off screen item box....

you put a box off the screen and fill it with stuff, and then give it a script to re-plenish it's stocks over a period of time

next you give the "trader" a script that deals with the talking and stuff, then when you pick the trading option, it swaps out the stuff in his personal inventory and replaces it with the stuff from the off screen box...
the trader should have it's "can trade with" flag set to yes...
Thanks, i've made all off those thinks(maybe not check "can trade" in fact)...i'll make an other try, but i saw that in the map script i should define "trader heart" and other things...i'll work on that a little...
ok i found what was working wrong, i forgot to set up the map script of my map so the import and export variable didn't work, but all is fixed now