Have any of you read the "Darwin Awards"


Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?
i was just walking through barnes and nobles the other day and a book caught my eye it turned out to be the best book ever :lol:
Got that book for my uncle two Christmases ago. It makes great bathroom reading material.
The book is nice, I bought 2 parts of this. I wonder how stupid / drunk you have to be to do such things?

*takes the book from the shelf and opens a random page*
(sorry for poor translating)

"A man was killed by a Coke fridge. He was trying to tilt it to get a free Cola can whem the fridge fell on him"

Don't try this at home!

bob_the_rambler said:
NOOO..........BOOM.....Silence.....sock wave......super heating the air.......Death

SOCK wave?????? :shock: