Having trouble with the V13 Deathclaws

John Uskglass

Venerable Relic of the Wastes
It's really bizzare. Whenever I talk to the head deathclaw after coming back with the Vioce Recognition thingie, all I get is him attacking me.
PsychoSniper said:
Just go and reapir the computer first, that might be it.
You need the voice recognition thingie to repair the computer.
I used to have the same problem, but I solved it by making sure I had the Voice Recognition Module with me when I first go to V13.
never had that problem...

and almost never had the VRM with me the first time i went to V13

did you save before going? just pay New Reno Arms or the Vault City vault a visit before going
Or just wipe em out for the Ex points.
Since youve discoverd them, youre going to automaticly get the genocide ending for V13 anyway, might as well earn it.
I can't do the genocide thing, I don't have enough AC to stop the Deatchclaws.

Anyone ever tried combat with 2 things of jet, buffout and two psychos? It's amazing, I did'nt take any damage due to Psycho's damage resistance effects.
Most addiction withdrawl lasts about 2 weeks after you get symptoms, except for jet of course. Good time to do some reading.

Don't use the cure, get wasted all the time, spend all your money on jet, like a real addict... makes an interesting game...
Karkow said:
Don't use the cure, get wasted all the time, spend all your money on jet, like a real addict... makes an interesting game...

You bet. The end boss being beaten by a jet addict would be an interesting view.

Frank Horrigan: “You’ll die mutie!”

Chosen One: “Yeah, sure pal, anything you say, just land over your wallet and cell phone, ‘cause I need the chips if I’m gonna fllyyyyy!!!”
Silencer said:
ConstipatedCraprunner said:

The cure?
Buy it in San Francisco.


Go to New Reno Stables, converse with Myron and ask him about an antidote for jet addiction. You must have a high Science for this. Now, go to Vault City and talk to Dr Troy telling him all you learned from Myron. He'll give you the antidote.


or you can just smugle jet into vault city for doctor troy
I am quite sure it is a bug. It happened to me too. But I avoided it by not talking to the Deathclaw-leader. ;)