John Uskglass
Venerable Relic of the Wastes

It's really bizzare. Whenever I talk to the head deathclaw after coming back with the Vioce Recognition thingie, all I get is him attacking me.
You need the voice recognition thingie to repair the computer.PsychoSniper said:Just go and reapir the computer first, that might be it.
Buy it in San Francisco.ConstipatedCraprunner said:Jet.
The cure?
Karkow said:Don't use the cure, get wasted all the time, spend all your money on jet, like a real addict... makes an interesting game...
Silencer said:Buy it in San Francisco.ConstipatedCraprunner said:Jet.
The cure?
Go to New Reno Stables, converse with Myron and ask him about an antidote for jet addiction. You must have a high Science for this. Now, go to Vault City and talk to Dr Troy telling him all you learned from Myron. He'll give you the antidote.