Headed for New Houston

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Here's a newbie try at RP. Please tell if something's wrong.

Character description
Name: James Robin Hickston (AKA Jim Bob) Age: 28 Weapons: Bozar, .44 Magnum x2 Armor: Titanium plated metal armor Skin: White (HEAVY tan) Hair: Dark Blonde Eyes: Blue Faction: New Arkansas State Guard (NASG) Rank: Sargeant

*An old pickup with South States flags painted all over it rumbles through the wastes. Suddenly the hood just explodes, and the car slides to a stop. The driver fumbles out the door coughing.*

HOT DAMN! YEOIKES! *shakes head*

*remembers that all his equip is in the truck, runs back*

He emerges from the smoking truck with a pile of guns and a big grin. The smile quickly fades away when he realizes where he is. Two hundred miles to New Houston, and no supplies except a few rations and some bottles of booze.

He glimpses something in the corner of his eye, a lone figure, coming towards him. Probably a raider.

Jim Bob: Freeze! Stand still, ya! *raises his .44 Magnum*
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Aug-30-00 AT 11:11AM (GMT)[p]OOC- Name: Smaug; Age: 26; Sex: Male Weapons: Sniper rifle, .223 pistol x2; Armour: Combat Armour; Skin: White, tanned; Hair: Black; Eyes: Brown; Fraction: Unrevealed; Rank: Unknown

*The stranger, who is dressed in worn combat armour, stops about 15 paces from Jim Bob, holsters two .223 pistols and raises his hands above his head*

Smaug: Don't shoot! I don't want any trouble. I saw your truck stop. Do you need any help?
*Jim Bob relaxes and lowers his gun*

Jim Bob: Well... if you have some kinda vehicle, i'd pay well for a ride to New Houston. My whole trunk is full of guns, if yer intrested.
Smaug: I've got a suped-up Chrysalis Highwayman over behind those rocks.

*Smaug points to a large pile of rocks*

I'd be happy to take you there.
So, why are you headed to New Houston?... If you don't mind me asking.
*Jim Bob grins* Ok, help carry my guns over and i'll tell ya.

*Jim Bob walks up to the body of the truck and pulls away the cover. The truck is full-packed with different kinds of guns.*

*looks at Smaug* Heh, surprised? Ya see, i'm a bit of a collector, if ya can call it that. I'm into guns pretty deep.

*As Jim Bob and Smaug carry the guns over to Smaug's Highwayman, Jim Bob tells about himself*

Ya see that little flag over there on my truck?
*points to the truck* That's the emblem of the NASG, New Arkansas State Guard. I'm in them. Basically that means i defend lil' ol' Arkansas. I'll tell ya more when we get in the truck.

(OOC: I'm in a hurry right now, so i'll write more later)
*As Smaug starts to open the door to the drivers side, he stops*

Smaug: Oh Shit.

Jim Bob: What?

*Smaug points behind Jim Bob. Jim Bob turns around to see a very large gang of raiders about 200 metres away and coming towards them*

Smaug: Raiders. There must be at least 15.
I think we can take 'em.

*Smaug takes aim with his sniper rifle and drops the lead raider with a perfect head shot*

Smaug: Get ready...
Jim Bob: Damn! My Bozar's still in the truck! Coulda taken those raiders like nuthin... well.

*Jim Bob drops the pile of shotguns and rifles he is carrying and draws his two .44 revolvers. He points and fires both at once. As soon as the shots hit a raider, his chest explodes in flames. The raider screams and collapses to the ground, writhing in pain. Jim Bob crouches down behind the rocks, turns to Smaug and grins. However, now the raiders have realized where they are hiding. A burst from an SMG straight above their heads forces them to stay low. The SMG keeps firing continously over them.

Jim Bob: *whispers* That suppressive fire means the raiders are probably flankin' around us now. We'd better poke outta here before they get us cornered.
Smaug: Gotcha.
*Smaug rips a frag grenade from his belt*

Smaug: Ok, I'll feed 'em this grenade. That'll force them to the ground, giving us a chance to get away from here. You head for your truck and get your Bozar, and I'll get to my car.

Once we're there, the raider's fire will be seperated and not as focused. We should be able to take them then, especially with you're heavy firepower.

Jim Bob: Yep.

*Smaug pulls the pin and pitches the grenade high above his head. It sparkles in the sun as it spins through the air towards the yelling raiders*

Smaug: Go!
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Sep-02-00 AT 03:53PM (GMT)[p]Sorry, this got double posted.
Jim Bob readies for a sprint as the grenade lands with a thud, right in the middle of the raiders. There is a split second of abrupt silence, then the raiders start yelling and running for cover. Three seconds later the grenade goes off spraying its deadly shrapnel all around, killing a few and wounding a lot. Jim Bob darts off towards the truck, his magnums bouncing at his hips. Smaug gets in his car and turns the key.

When Jim Bob is nearly at the truck the raiders start getting up on their feet again. In the corner of his eye he can see a raider, no more than a hundred feet away, raise his SMG.

It happens in an instant. Jim Bob amasses all his strength and does a huge leap towards the truck just as the raider fires. He lands on his side behind the pickup as an army of bullets impact into the truck, blowing the tires and tilting the truck sideways. Jim Bob waits for the raider to run out of ammo, and when he hears a "click click" he lifts away the cover and feels around in the body, searching for his most valued weapon. He lets out a grin when he feels the long, cold barrel. With an exertion he manages to lift the heavy machinegun out with one hand.

Meanwhile, Smaug has driven a couple hundred feet away and is now blasting away at the raiders with his Sniper Rifle. "Looks like the battle is turning our way," he thinks.

While the bullets ricochet around him, Jim Bob checks that the clip is full and the safety is on. He looks around, scouting for the best firing position, decides that he should set the gun up on the hood of the truck. In a second, he plops the bipod down, points the gun at the raiders, flicks the safety off and squeezes the trigger to the pressure point. "Here's for... bein' raiders!" he yells as the deafening thumpthumpthump resounds and a myriad of .223 rounds escape the barrel.

He drives the gun from side to side. The raiders are thrown around wildly, their bodies deformed by the bullets impacting everywhere, until they drop like flies when the clip is empty. Jim Bob wipes the sweat off his brow. The battle is over.

Jim Bob: (yells to Smaug) Hey!... uh, what's your name?

Smaug: (yells back) Name's Smaug!

Jim Bob: Ok, Smaug! Get over here! I think we nailed 'em all!

Smaug: (starts car) Saw it! That Bozar's one hell of a gun!

*Jim Bob packs up his Bozar as Smaug drives up to the truck.*

Jim Bob: Damn! That was one helluva fight! Not one bullet hit me, either! Well, pal, guess we should pack up here and head for New Houston, eh? By the way, m'name's James Robin, but you can call me Jim Bob. Let's carry these guns over to yer car, eh?

*The two pick up each their pile of guns and walk towards Smaug's car, putting the guns in the trunk. As he opens the door on the passenger side, Jim Bob suddenly stops.*

Jim Bob: I forgot sumpin'!

Smaug: What?

*Jim Bob rockets back to his truck, opens the door and turns to Smaug.*

Jim Bob: Does yer car have a holodisc player?

Smaug: Yeah, why?

*Jim Bob reaches into the cabin and takes out an old, worn holodisc.*

Smaug: What's that?

*Jim Bob inserts it into Smaug's car's HD player. pre-war country music explodes out of the speakers.*

Smaug: Oh, man...

*Jim Bob grins*

OOC: Sorry about taking the whole battle myself but i got kinda carried away.
*Jim Bob and Smaug are in the car, headed for New Houston*

Jim Bob: Might as well tell you 'little 'bout m'self. As you heard, i'm a New Arkansas Guard. The problem is, New Arkansas (NA) is in war. Or at least, at the verge of.

There's a big country next to us whose inhabitants are nuthin' but bloodthirsty coyotes. I'm referrin' to the ATM. I think that stands for Alabama-Tennessee-Mississippi-Republic or something. Anyway, they are stirrin' up for war against New Arkansas, just because they want more land. Age-old excuse, isn't it?

Anyway, the NASG just doesn't have no chance against the whole ATM. They have sum pretty darn hefty firepower on their side.

Well, we in the NASG know that the New Texas Army is the most powerful army in the whole world, at least so we've been told. So I was sent out to New Houston, cuz' that's where the NTA has it's HQ. It's a wild shot, they prolly won't help at all, but it's New Arkansas' last hope.

We've talked to both the okies and the lousianas, but they don't wanna get in no conflict, they say. Idjits! Don't they see that the ATM'll conquer them too!

We gotta get to New Houston darn quick, when i left NA a few days ago the troops were building up like hell in New Memphis, the capital of the ATM.

Ya see why i'm headed to New Houston now?
OOC- Don't worry about it. It was a helluva battle though!


Smaug: Yeah, I see. Still a while 'till we get to New Houston though...


Damn molerats! Yeah, I knew a guy in the NTA once. Named Greven. Don't know where he is now though...

As fer the ATM... for what it's worth, you can count me in. I got nowhere else to go, and I can definitly make a difference in a battle.

Hey, maybe if we can find Greven he could help get the New Texas Army on our side.. but I have no idea where he is...
Jim Bob: *looks out the window, down at a trail of molerat blood* You call that a molerat? Shoulda seen the ones at home, they're the size of brahmins!

Anyway, thanks for joinin'. I saw yer sniping skills out there and we'll need all the help we'll get.

You know someone in the NTA? Damn great! But, you sure he's got a high enough "influence" to make them support us? From what i've heard, in the NTA, your rank decides the importance of what you say. Now that's one big difference from the NASG.

Yeah, well we'll just have to wait till we get there, i guess.
Smaug: I believe Greven was a corporal. And I think he should be able to convince them to support us. Besides, by the sound of the ATM, they are a threat to the NTA as well.


Jim Bob: What the hell?!?!

Smaug: Look over there...

*Smaug gets out of the car and walks over to a corpse of a man, Jim Bob follows.
Smaug kicks away the small mantises and kneels down beside the body*

Smaug: He looks like a freelance scout for the NTA. I could be wrong, but maybe they're already concerned about the ATM...
Jim Bob: God damnit! Look at that wound! *points to a bloody hole in the back of the corpse*

*Jim Bob moves his head right over the wound, but at respectful distance* I can see the ground through here! The guy has combat armor, and the bullet's gone right through! It wasn't no ordinary gun that did this, that's fer sure!

He's not even started to decompose. He musta been shot yesterday, or even today. Hey...

*for some unexplicable reason, Jim Bob starts to coldsweat. He looks around nervously. Nothing to see but some rock piles around them*

Uh, have you checked his temp?

*Smaug touches the man's forehead*

Smaug: He's warm like a nuke!

Jim Bob: What!? Try bendin' his arm!

*Smaug bends the man's arm upwards. It goes like a warm knife in thin air. Rigor Mortis hasn't set in.*

Jim Bob: Dammit! He can't be shot more than 30 minutes ago! Whoever did this can't be far away.

*suddenly, the duo hear a noise behind them. The cracking of a dry stick.*
*Smaug spins around in an instant, firing his two .223 pistols before he even sees the man. When he's dead, Smaug and Jim Bob examine the body*

Smaug: Looks like some kind of improved metal armour. Far more advanced than the current material.

*Jim Bob taps the metal breatplate*

Jim Bob: It's lucky we hit 'im in the eyes. Or it would've taken a lot longer to kill him.

Smaug: And it's lucky he didn't get a shot off! Look at that weapon!

*The gun looks like some kind of assault rifle/pistol, able to be held with two hands as well as one. It seems to be made of strange technology*

Smaug: *Takes a radio from the guy's belt*
We'll keep this. Now, we better get out of here in case there are any more.

*Starts back towards the car*
*Smaug opens the door and motions for Jim Bob to come*

Jim Bob: Wait a minute! I'd like to keep his gun.

*grabs the strange rifle and starts searching for some ammo.*

Jim Bob: Wow, this guy was really loaded! Can't let a chance like this pass by, y'know.

*Finds three strangely shaped clips and a couple of small, black cylinders he guesses are grenades, puts them in his pockets.*

Jim Bob: Hey, what's this?

*a pair of dogtags on the inside of the man's armor has catched Jim Bob's attention. He reaches his hand down the blood-soaked inside of the armor, takes them out and reads out loud*


Jim Bob: God dammit! Get over here Smaug! I think we should carry this guy into your car, and take with us that other stiff too! This might be the proof we need to get the NTA to join us! I bet there are gunsmiths in Houston that can tell if the bullet that killed that NTA scout came from this gun. *taps his newly-aquired rifle*

Smaug: Well... *looks down at the nearly decapitated corpse, blood is still spewing forth from the huge hole in the forehead. Looks from the corpse to his nearly-shiny Highwayman, thinks for a bit then turns back to Jim Bob.* Ok, if you'll help cleanup the backseat afterwards.

*Smaug and Jim Bob carry both of the grossly wounded corpses over to the car and lay them in the back seat*

Smaug: Let's get out of here now.

*Jim Bob and Smaug get in the car. Smaug turns the key.*
*The rest of the trip goes fairly uneventfully, save for the odd raider or Radscorpion. After a long drive, The gates to New Houston are in sight*

Jim Bob: Finally!

*New Houston reminds Smaug a bit of NCR, but he gets the feeling he will like it a lot more. There is a towering arch with 'New Houston' In large letters. Under the arch is an armoured gate with two guards in combat armour standing guard. Smaug and Jim Bob get the impression that these gates are rarely closed*

*The Highwayman pulls up in front of the gates, Smaug and Jim Bob get out*

Guard 1: Halt! New Housten is now off limits to travelers. Move along!

Jim Bob: We have something the NTA needs to see. and a proposition for them.

Smaug: Look at these.

*Smaug shows them the dog tags*

Guard 2: ...Ok, you are cleared for entrance.

*The guard swipes a card through a computer terminal, and types in a password. The huge iron gates slowly swing open...*
Smaug drives his car to the HQ in NH. as they starts to go to the door a man whith a pair of shades on "Hi Smaug wtf are u doing here and who is that friend of yours?"