health increments that define Wounded, Severely Wounded, Almost Dead


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
Looking for the Fallout 1 and (if different) 2 health increments that correspond to Inspecting and seeing Wounded, Severely Wounded, and Almost Dead.

This was strangely hard to find, although I'm inclined to blame the enshittification of search
Looking for the Fallout 1 and (if different) 2 health increments that correspond to Inspecting and seeing Wounded, Severely Wounded, and Almost Dead.

This was strangely hard to find, although I'm inclined to blame the enshittification of search
tagging @Lexx cuz he knows stuff
I actually have no idea. It's probably better to check for this inside fo2-CE code, since it is easier to read. @NovaRain can likely easily check for it.