

Antediluvian as Feck

Check this place out. I first found it a long time ago when it was different. Now it has completely evolved into something that blows me away. I believe I was on the waiting list for about a year before I got a reply.

Just check it out for a little bit and see if you can figure it out.

If you agree to do that first, I'll be willing to allow you to click on the link below that leads to the backdoor gates of hell.com...

guest entry

Is anybody familiar with this place? I've gotten about as far as the chatrooms and messing around on them for a little while, but there's never anybody around.

If you want a couple of hints to get started on, ask me here and I'll try to help you.

The only definite thing I found was that it provides email services, and some cryptic references to creating an alternate reality. What's the deal, Ozrat?
It would be better if that damn popup would stop stealing focus. Or even if it was gotten rid of all together.
Okay, it sounds like you fools can't even find the chatrooms!

Montez, are you clicking on the first two links or the bottom one? If you click the bottom one you go to the secret backdoor entrance for hell.com. Once you go there, click the now button and watch the flash show. Once that's done, click the red arrows at the bottom right corner. Just fill out your name and location and you should get a full screen with weird visuals and music going on. Viola! You have reached the chat rooms.

Once you've gotten this far, I'll let you try it out a little bit more for youself. Don't be afraid to click on things and type in stuff. This place is all about experimentation and it does have a pattern. The trick is to find what this pattern is and what the purpose is. I've barely scratched the surface, so if anybody discovers anything, please post it here!

EDIT: Omancer, what pop-up? The one you're supposed to look at? That's not an ad, that's what you're supposed to use.
Yeah, I was clicking on the first two. Once I get home I'll give the bottom one a try and explore a bit. That "Buy back your soul" screen I ran into has me curious enough to keep exploring.
Now that I think about it...

Omancer, if you keep getting a white pop-up when you go to the main link, try moving the mouse to the middle of it...

This is an example of one of the tricks you need to figure out at hell. I guess there are no dead ends there....
Hell is great.

Except for the fact that flash still isn't functioning on my great, but malfunctioning at that point, Firebird browser Bah.

*switches to IE for hell.com*
Not necessary anymore, somehow, it started to kick in and work again. Weirdness.

Now this is what I've found until now:
Something that functions as a chatroom. Flash application, and I'm guessing that whatever word you type in, is the room that you go to. Besides that room, there is also the main room, the one that scrolls by. I think it is meant for discovery, but as of yet, I haven't gotten one single response, so it's kind of useless now.
As for the chatrooms, here's a list of ones I've gotten to work.


I'm sure there are more that I know of, but these are the ones that come to mind right now.

If you ever see a series of circles within each other that are stretching and shrinking, click on the individual circles. They will change which chat channel you are in without changing the chat room you're in. Weird shit, eh?

If you have your sound on, listen to the music. When you hear something that sounds like a sonar beep, look in the top left corner and you'll see a new chat room name.

As for the chatrooms themselves, yes, it is hard to find somebody to talk to. But remember, there IS a pattern somewhere here. Let us all work together as a team to find it!
I typed "Purgatory" in, and was sent to a test based on Dante's Inferno (the site had ads, definetely took away the mystery of the site). So, I took the test, and apparently if Dante's vision of the afterlife is correct I am going to:

Sixth Level of Hell - The City of Dis

You approach Satan's wretched city where you behold a wide plain surrounded by iron walls. Before you are fields full of distress and torment terrible. Burning tombs are littered about the landscape. Inside these flaming sepulchers suffer the heretics, failing to believe in God and the afterlife, who make themselves audible by doleful sighs. You will join the wicked that lie here, and will be offered no respite. The three infernal Furies stained with blood, with limbs of women and hair of serpents, dwell in this circle of Hell.

Apparently the place for heretics. Oh well, I'll try "Paradise" next time, maybe I'll get lucky.

Edit: I don't know what page I was on, but after viewing the HTML source and doing some experimenting I realized it was just a Google search that took you to the "I'm Feeling Lucky" site. Well, I'll experiment more later.

I'm in the second level of hell!

"You have come to a place mute of all light, where the wind bellows as the sea does in a tempest. This is the realm where the lustful spend eternity. Here, sinners are blown around endlessly by the unforgiving winds of unquenchable desire as punishment for their transgressions. The infernal hurricane that never rests hurtles the spirits onward in its rapine, whirling them round, and smiting, it molests them. You have betrayed reason at the behest of your appetite for pleasure, and so here you are doomed to remain. Cleopatra and Helen of Troy are two that share in your fate."

I really need to stop jerking off.
