Hellgate: London Previewed at GameMethod


Night Watchman
Staff member
Hellgate: London has gotten a short preview at GameMethod.com, the conclusion being:<blockquote>Blending role-playing-style character creation and progression with first-person action and online gameplay sounds like the ingredients for a big mess, but what we saw at E3 2005 was looking sweet, even though it has a full year months before it’ll be pulled out of the oven. Patience hungry gamers; good things come to those who wait.</blockquote>
Link: Hellgate: London previewed @ GameMethod

Spotted at RPGDot
Going Mediveal

Going Medieval

This title is so fuzzy that the 'expert' reviewers have to shot gun the planet with acronyms hoping one alphabet cluster might apply, or in the marketing sense, this blank page of a title is ALL things to ALL befogged entities.

Future, alternate timeline.


Still the medieval imagery.

A time line as contrived as that forgotten Interplay flash in the pants.
Was it 'Lionheat' or' Loinheart' ?

And the concept art of the tit's and ass (female) character with a gravity defying bra. Raw engineering aside, the fashion sense so tightly focused it squeals in anticipation. Drawn by a guy, for other guys? Teen aged vistas of Shangri-la.

Still the medieval imagery.

Game mechanics ape B-Gate, D-blow, first person poo-ter's O.K. So it' a safe investment for the smart money.

But why the medieval imagery?

It's as cheesy as the high heeled hookers in the '50's B sci-fi flick,
""Queen Of Outer Space"".

Is this another forgettable title?

In 18 months will ""Queen Of Outer Space"" have more - fun - Google hits then
Hellgate: London?

Darwinism might theorize, plus or minus, 10 k years of 'Vogue' to steal fashion ideas from.
Creationist Theology, there MUST BE 5 K years of sinning civilization to cut and paste styles of armor and under wear.

Yet, fantasy gaming has, has, HAS to be medieval with ''DOOM'S BIG F-ING GUN for the cherry on top, - kewl - particle effects.

It appears to be, ''Me Too' marketing:
Behold, one dog food had cheese flavor, ... , all dog foods had cheese flavor.

