HellMOO anyone?


First time out of the vault
Have you guys tired this game?
I think that this text-only MUD captures Fallout feel and fun much more greatly than Fallout 3 by Bethesda. And i MEAN fun - there's so much dark humor and so much to do in this game.
Game's web site
Short game description
Another game overview
...and a hilarious discussion
I haven't tried it ... yet, but am now setting a character up..
how could I resist when I read this part of the 'about game'

* Scientologists
* Terrorists
* Pirates
* Vampires
* Zombies
* Ninjas

that's everything cool ever, scientologists may not be cool themselves but the opportunity to kill and or dismember them.. great idea!

also the front page made me laugh a special "oh how ironic laugh"
allowing people to kill orphans and rape corpses on the internet, thereby keeping such people off the street.

yeah so I went and explored a while, seems pretty cool, although my lack of playing MUD's etc means I didn't get the best out of it, it moved a little too fast to 'learn as ya go' and I'm pretty sure I ended up dead, attacked in the street by some dude/something (I was a little confused at this point) I like the way they introduce you into the game, again I was cramped by my lack of MUD playing experience, but it was cool none the less.

so I'd say this; If you play or enjoy MUD's or text adventures this is a definite one to play, if like me your a bit nubbish, perhaps try it see how things go, I may attempt another go, but I'm just not in the right frame of mind right now.