Help installing jonas fallout 2 mod for mac?


First time out of the vault
ive done exactly what it said to do in the readme but i still cant seem to make it work as i am unfamiliar with macs and because im forced to use my girlfriends macbook. Could someone possibly give me some simplified instructions on how to install it and or tell me where i can find a different or better mod.
Killap's Unofficial Patch is well-recommended, and significantly easier to install.

If you have the Windows version of Fallout, you could try running it under Wine. This will let you play Killap's Restoration Project as well.

To install the Jonas mod, start by finding the Fallout 2 application; make a backup copy of it if you don't have the install disc handy. Right-click on the app and choose 'show package contents'. Copy the files Jonasmod/APP/Contents/MacOS/Fallout2 and Jonasmod/APP/Resources/Gamedata/patch000.dat to the corresponding folders in the application, replacing the original ones. Now go to the folder /Users/(username)/Library/Application Support/Fallout2/DATA/ and copy everything in Jonasmod/data/ to there. Finally, you need to lock every file in proto/critters/ and proto/items/ , which will be incredibly tedious by hand. It's very easy if Apple's Developer Tools are installed; I can probably cook up an AppleScript to do it as well. That should make the mod work, but I haven't tested it myself.