Help needed loading fallout 2 on windows


First time out of the vault
I need help loading fallout 2 on windows 7. I have read some of the posts and searched on line but am now so confused on what is the best way to go about doing this. For starters I am trying to load the game with the disc and half way through the load an error pops up - error loading C:\program files\blackisle\fallout2\master.dat for writing. I click ok and it says it's loaded but it isn't.

How do I get past this and what is this the best means of loading the game? Should I download a version instead? What are my best options for loading and smooth game play? I just finished fallout 1 on an old 386 windows 95 relic desk top and now am hooked on fallout. I really want to play and experience F2 & F3 now on a real computer.