Help with broken "Those!" quest?


First time out of the vault
I wound up randomly walking to Marigold station while I was trying to find the "scrapyard" from another quest. I killed all those pesky fire ants, cleared the whole place out top to bottom. 10 hours later I wander into Greyditch by accident (no one tells you anything in this game, it's frustrating) and I get the "Those!" quest when I pick the lock of a shack there and find Lesko's notes.

Here's how it went:
1)Randomly found Marigold, killed everything, looted everything.
2)Walked into Greyditch randomly, killed every ant, opened every house.
3)Found shack first, picked lock, found notes, got quest.
4)Found house with note about missing boy, scientist and neighbors.
5)Found shack key at neighbors (now i'm like, "doh, bet i broke this").
6)Went back to Marigold Station, it's as dead as when I left it, I'm good like that.
7)No scientist or robot as promised, all I have in my quest log is "destroy source of ant infestation". There's nothing left to kill, though.
8)It seems like there's one area behind some train in a tunnel that I cannot reach, there's no red indicator on my radar but I swear I see something back there.

I never found this kid I'm supposed to have met, he never ran up to me or anything, never found his body either, and he's not at either town entrance or in that single-occupant shelter by the diner. Trust me, I even check trashcans and move milk bottles to see what's underneath.

Is there another area you can access that allows to get to the queen ant/hive center (I presume that would allow me to complete if I killed her). There's a sewer center nearby, which if it's like the movie "Them!" is where the queen would be, but there are no ants there, just radscorps.

Any suggestions?
The kid should be showing up on your radar when you have the quest selected. He *should* be in one of those little port-a-potty fallout shelters around town.
I think a door previously *inaccessible* opens in the Marigold Station when you have the quest active. This door directly leads you to Lesko's lab and eventualy to the ant queen nest. If you haven't passed some sort of lab then I suggest you explore the station a little more.

I don't know if you did it already, but look at your local map for any undiscovered portion, or just follow the map marker.
I've got the exact same problem. I have the quest active and there is no previously inaccessible door. Searched the station thoroughly, everything is explored. Could you tell us where exactly this door is supposed to be?
Bloody hell! I swear I've been there already. But this time the good doctor suddenly appeared. Along with the entrance to the hatchery. Really weird. Maybe I didn't have the quest active when I first passed through there.

Thanks for the help.
Ok, I'll go back and check it out... do I need to find the kid in town first you think? And there is more than one of those personal shelters? Because I only saw the one by marigold and the one by the town entrance... sigh, back to town, thanks for the prompt response and the helpful screen shot, though I swear I ran through that section already.
The kid and Lesko are part of different quests. Talk to the kid on your way back out if you haven't already.
OK, made it back there, and yeah now I can enter a previously sealed area, Lesko is there. He winds up giving me the quest to find boy and get him a home too.

-Killed queen, got the bonus skilll point (might have to save/load a speech check), went topside and spent like a half hour trying to find the kid, b4 i realized you can set the quest up and it will take you right to him.

*&^%er was crouched behind the chainlink fence all the way down at Mega mart, like 2 min outside of town.

All done, thanks for the help. Although I noticed I don't get any new radio message, they keep talking abouyt GD "going dark". Oh well.