Help with F2 scripting concerning merchants.


First time out of the vault
We have tried for several days making our merchant script work. We have made the dialogue work, made the barter function work, as well as making him trade the items in his own inventory.

HOWEVER, we cannot make him use a scripted inventory - that is, making it work by means of a generic_temp_box. We have also created a script to update the inventory, but the inventory script is never even loaded.

When we try to move the items from the inventory script to the critter's inventory, the debug message is "Script Error: scripts\ op_move_obj_inven_to_obj: obj is NULL".

And another thing: Where does the "op_" in the above message come from - it doesn't form part of the original script.

We really hope someone has got an idea or solution to our predicament.

I just figured it out. So i don't need help that that anymore.

And to all you people who are thinking: "How did he do it", here is what you do to make it work.

You place a foot locker outside of your map. or in any area that is not visible for the player, and you attach the box script to that locker.

It's a good idea to make a generic_temp_box to move your traders own inventory to if you don't want him to trade away his own weapon. (use the script: "")

I hope this will be of some help. :-)