>hi i need some help with
>certain aspects of the game....i
>was wondering.....how do u heal
>yurself in the bunker?? do
>u stay in the bunker
>for a long time?
you can walk around on world map, in an area circle if you don't want encounter
>how do u gamble and
>wat's the use of it???
you can gamble with mechenics and bunker3's QM, only bunker3's QM
>i heard something about drugging...how
>do u go about doing
you can use drugs on the bunker people to kill thme and get their good guns, but this way when you leave the bunker you get banished, so .. kinda useless
and lastly..is it advisable
>to get more pple to
>go around with u??i got
>2 pple with myself altogether
the squad's exp is always the same, if you get 10 exp, everyone get 10 exp, doesn't matter if you have 1 player or 6 players, so take along a few people who you think have the tag skil you may need later, just use'em as mule and when they level up use their skill points the way you want to