
First time out of the vault
Each time I travel through the desert my character stop about 2-4 times on each square automatically! Can I turn this off or something? Cause it's really getting on my nerves and since I am doing traveling quests...
Please help :(
What patches are you using for the game?
It sounds like you may be using the unofficial patch without removing the official one first. If so, remove patch000.dat from your fallout folder and see if that helps.
Yes, I was using the unofficial patch and didn't delete the original one.
Gonna try to take out that patch000.dat...

Hmmm that may be wierd but the only .dat files I have are:

No clue of patch000.dat
OK then I guess that's not the problem then. The unofficial patch (installer version) removes the patch for you, though on rare occasions
it don't work.

stop about 2-4 times on each square automatically
By this do you mean that you stop in empty encounters or just that you are having lots of random encounters?
If it's the first I would suggest you try to reinstall your game and if it's the latter there are some settings in ddraw.ini that let's you change the encounter rate.
Darek said:
By this do you mean that you stop in empty encounters or just that you are having lots of random encounters?
If empty encounter means a completely empty desert with no absolute plants nor NPC's and just your character standing in the center, then yes!

Oh, and when I stop at places it doesn't show the lightning arrow like if you would be attacked it just skips to the desert(map's name:Desert Desert(at least from the pip boy)...
Wait you stop at squares because of addiction?! I figure cause my problems totally not A!
Chr1s said:
Wait you stop at squares because of addiction?! I figure cause my problems totally not A!
Yes, next time you stop check the information screen (where it shows karma, damage and quest info).

If it's saying something like: "You can't think straight, you feel a desire to open another box of tragic cards" then you know what your problem is.

I can't think of any other reason for your character to stop while travelling since you're not getting the little thunder before stopping...
Chr1s said:
Each time I travel through the desert my character stop about 2-4 times on each square automatically!

Sounds like Tactics to me :D God I hated those godawful meaningless encounters there :evil:
That's wierd, but... The problem is solved story is: I destroyed the Power Plant in gecko leveled up to 6 and (Important part) I got the "Pathfinder" perk and it stopped stopping at those empty squares!
