Herve talks


Carbon Dated and Proud
Pope Viper sent me a message about a mail he got from none other than Herve Caen himself, Pope asked about the IPLY forums being closed and here's Herve's response:<blockquote>The message boards are temporarily down in an effort to save cash during our current cash crunch. </blockquote>Here's also a summary from a guy on the Raging Bull forums (also found by Pope Viper):<blockquote>I spoke with Luke Haase today, and he said that Vivendi and Avalon both owe Interplay money and that they are expecting payment from them sometime this week. Vivendi is currently going through a big transition in their management, and they are just now trying to catch up on things. Once Interplay receives the payments that are due to them, then they will make a formal announcement and immediately file with the SEC that they are now able to pay their rent, taxes, and payroll. They are expecting a payment in the range of 3 million dollars. Interplay is also right now in negotiations to sell an intellectual property to raise additional capital and has begun preliminary talks with several banks in order to raise money to fund all of their current and pending games.</blockquote>Sigh, sounds more and more like the Caen brothers have milked IPLY for all it got and finally decided the end is near. And the heads at IPLY is desperately trying to stay afloat..or?
I wish they'd just throw in the towel already. This is like a death scene by some ham actor that just never ends.
Actually there are ups and downs on they going belly up, the Fallout license could be lost. AFAIK several companies could end up owning their part and thus we might not see the light of another one...
Yeah, depending on what way they go (Chapter 11/Chapter 7). I could imagine them holding onto their most lucrative licenses to utilize for a comeback.

Of course, if they can't come up with the capital to develop those licenses, who's to say...
Just for giggles, I sent Herve another email asking if he had an estimated time line when the forums might return, what the resolution was on the monies owed in back-rent/the IRS, as well as addressing rumors regarding the employees being sent home.

We'll see.
We'll see.

Thats basically what this whole thing boils down too.....its only a matter of time before we know if Interplay is....well.......over.......However if it is finished i believe it will be the end of Fallout.....A sad thought.........but.......we might aswell prepare for the worst...

Another thing is i bet interplay has seen this comming for along time.......
Of course, if IPLY goes belly up, than the Fallout License wouldn't so much as die but get sold. Should the company dissolve, the process of dissolution would involve liquidating all assets- tangible or intangible, to pay off share holders (the owners).

The license is a piece of property and as a value laden instrument, could be sold off. But there are other ways in which the Fallout License could be acquired.

So, for example, someone could buy up IPLY stock and thereby acquire rights to Fallout through the purchase. Essentially, they might not buy the license as much as buy the company.

One way in which creditors to a company could get their debts paid would be to collect the debtors and have them buy the company. A company can be valued two ways. (1) The net value of stock and securities. The value of this is subject to speculation and appraisal by investors. But the other way to value a company is in the weight of its assets, primarily capital assets.

So, IPLY might have a certain value if you add up its value in shares. However, the company also has value if you add up it's licenses, rights, capital assets, etc.
I found this quite hilarious.

orionquest said:
Fear and Stupidity are ugly twins that are still ruling over this company, its stock, its future and so on.....

It makes perfect sense! Caen is obviously Fear, and Stupidity could be nobody else but Darth Interplay Molester (DIM for short) himself.

EDIT: In reading more of that forum, I thought we were brutal on the situation. Some remarked that Caen sounded like he wanted the company to die.

So...how are the plans to publish Fallout 3?
Damn, this is more exciting than any David Fincher Thriller :) Well, sad for the employees but after the big BIS layoff it probably doesn't come as a surprise for most of them. But here's still hoping that Interplay will still publish an Obsidian-developed Fallout 3 next year...
Well, the best chance for another Fallout would be a bankrupt IPLY. If it files for bankruptcy all the viable assets should be sold to pay the debts; including the Fallout license to the highest bidder.

So start saving up guys :P.
i hope a well known company buys the license that has a history of putting out awsome games like squaresoft, or blizzard etc!
considering the news, figure there's two possibilities

paying back rent on their headquarters to keep from being evicted pushed Interplay so close to broke, they can't afford the small cost of hosting the forums. everyone was sent home because the company doesn't have enough money to continue existing.

or, that person's claim about what Luke Haase said is true. in which case, Interplay was unable to pay their back rent in time, and everyone's been sent home because the headquarters are now evicted. closing the forums for cost reasons is part of Herve's story to try and scam someone into thinking Interplay is in a "crunch period" rather than homeless and more or less dead, so they might still give the company money in hopes of bailing it out.

the news about Haase and the news from "an inside source" aren't completely contradictory, i guess, but i'd think the insider would have mentioned something about the headquarters being evicted, and it -would- be evicted right now if Haas was right about Interplay not having paid their rent, yet. assuming he really said what the person claims he did, anyway
The Tax Man Cometh

The Tax Man Cometh

If I recall correctly, one of these news factoids about I'play said that it was
NOT current with 2003 employee withholding.

It's not an easy obligation to ignore, even if you have all the best and brightest sleaziest tax lawyers on the planet that have been dating Dick Chaney before the slicing of bread.

It takes real cash to shake off the IRS. As long as no criminal or frivolous intent is documented, one can set up a payment plan, avoiding penalties, but not the interest due.

One of the many construction companies I worked for played the tax rebel and screwed us and the IRS on the withholding. If they weren't crooks they would have paid us straight time and then filed 1099's. The tax obligation would have been our responsibility, but being true
capitalists they pocketed the with holding and lied about our hours and the full time nature of our status. These upper class heros folded in a heartbeat when cornered and lost all their booty, paying off the lawyers and the IRS. First time the cash flow slowed, they went belly up, and I went on down the road ...

European, Western, American Civilization has retained the same fundamental class system for 2 thousand years. We owe our protectors. We owe our liege lords. Taxes are part of our oath of fealty
to the reigning war lords. If not drafted to fight, it's still your money or your life: you pay to play. ""I wouldn't have it any other way"".
Proud to be Bush's bitch ... Well it's still too close to April 15th to posture any taller than knee high.....

Well if I'play can't pay the TAX MAN. I'play can't pay the legal costs to stay in the game, and if they hide from their debts in the "Chapters" then their credit is ZERO. If I'play can't pay as they go, then it's NO GO.

This 3 mill that I'play is owed is critical.

Interplay asks investment bank SG Capital to save them

according to it, there's an officialy recognized possibility of Interplay, or its operating units, being sold. according to Herve, Interplay thinks that its terrible share price is just being an unfair fuck, because the company is actually great.

having time to go over it, seems that Luke Haase legitimately said what frymuchan claims. so, Interplay hasn't yet payed their rent, but exceeded the three-day eviction notice. could they have stalled eviction? could they already be evicted, but so far kept it almost secret?
murdrax said:
i hope a well known company buys the license that has a history of putting out awsome games like squaresoft, or blizzard etc!

Have you ever considered eating white phosphorus?
Commercial Leases

Commercial Leases

Everything, and, or anything is negotiable. Hear this in real estate small talk both residential and commercial.

How much time is really left depends on that lease. Beyond the dollars per square foot and how much the carpet and wall paper for the corner window executive offices cut into the HVAC maintenance budget, is a drop dead date and penalty for queering the deal. The enforcer is usually a property management contractor that has it's own obligations to the paper holding owner. The "owner" is likely not an individual air breather, and could even be a pension investment entity. Too many of the smart money minions stoking these retirement pyramids got burned when the stock bubble popped a few years back, so I doubt there will be much patience. If I'play has been as abusive to the land lord as their street cred implies, then it's already 11:59 on the ''doomsday clock.''

One minute to armageddon.

One minute and a heart beat to the post apocalypse.

Time enough to wake up our Bob Dylan impersonators so they can lead the NMA Memorial Chorus in ""Like A Rolling Stone"", and ""Highway 61"".

Any other suggestions for the sound track of the immanent devotional, and MTV Pay Per View, Fish Fry And Love Festival?

hey no need to bite my head of i was just saying if fallout 3 is bought of i would like it to be a company that has had past success.

for example sierra could do it justice seeing they have a habit of listening to their community. and mostly leave the game open for modding and adding onto.

halflife being a prime example that even today is still going strong!