heu...hello ? :)


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
Scuse disturbing you, but I encounter a very small but disturbing problem...
I'm not able to found a soft able to convert BMP to MSK...
When I go to the page of team X...
It's a blank one...
We don't have this kind of soft on the download part of our forum?
I don't find it anyway :(
Someone has it somewhere on is computer?
If yes, I'll be pleased :)
Thanks a lot.

Bro' soif
well :)
I've my new world map, and edit the worldmap.txt, putting my msk at the good tiles.
but... :)
Arroyo being in the water in my new map, I can cross the ocean like a pink floyd :)
Do you think it comes from here?
I've rename each wrldmpxx.bmp.msk in wrldmpww.msk, but it doesn't seem to work.
I've put my mask in data/data/
And my new map called wrldmp00/01/02/.../19 in data/art/intrface/
Any idea?
Thank you

Brother Soif