Hey, 8-ball.

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I just want to say you're doing a great job in the general forum in the "European army" thread. But sadly enough, I think your battle is useless. The moderators here (and especially one who's name shall remain unnamed)

(Okay, i mean Xotor)

just won't realize that they did or said something wrong. Ever. I don't think you can ever convince Xotor and his followers.

I'm posting this here because the moderators don't ever look into this forum. At least *he* said so.

They (*they*) really make me sick, but I won't try to start arguing with them, because I know it's useless. Believe me, I've tried.

Keep up the good work against Big Brother, but remember that it's useless. What I recommend you should do is say that you're leaving the discussion and just stop posting, no matter what kind of disregards for you as a person they post to make you come back.
I have been thinking about that tread and I mean that there is really stupid to bomb inicent or bunkers not cheking what there is inside with satelites or somethings The US army could do that.
And since xotor has this PAS thingy where it stands Ignorance is exuebole stupidety is not.
Well iff You think off it that way the us army did not have an exuse or they just ignored the fact that there was civilians in the bunker.
Still Rune is right. As my english teacher said "You can not convince an american that he is wrong if he don't think he is wrong."
Also I have heard from a person who knows what he is talking about(Not american media)that Saddam did no have much biologic weapons.
And then he said to the american media that he had biologic weapons and they sudenly made half a tonn into on million tonn an voila everybody said that he could kill everything on this planet.
And just now they are not giving the peapole in Irak alowence to sel their oil so if someone gets sick they are likely to die.
Wich just makes them much more angry towards america.
Still your fight is useless they don't know better.

PS. today peapole say that they were really stupid in the 1950-1975 I bet that they will say the same in 50-60 years in america and they will apologice for bombing Irak
Very right.

Your English teacher was a smart man.

The US is the school bully, all the others in school do as he say because he can beat them up, but nobody likes him.

The US is the youngster nation with too little life experience which has got it hands on too much power. When they parted from the Brits, they scrapped all the century-old wisdom and government experience and said they would start from scratch. Now they have power, but they need to learn how to behave socially with other countries.

Hehe. And they'll probably say the same in around 100 years, some years after the world is nuked :)
RE: Very right.

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-02-00 AT 09:34PM (GMT)[p]What, you read halfway through before you realized this was OT? :)

Okay, your wish shall be otercome. Wait. What did I say? AFtercome. No, make that obeyed. (Obain? Obeied? Forget it.)


RE: Very right.

Thanks! It's nice to know that someone else knows what's really going on in the world.

Well, I suppose you're right about the idea of the fight being useless, so what the hell... I'll give it up--they aren't getting convinced anytime soon.
RE: Very right.

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-03-00 AT 05:05AM (GMT)[p]Hmmm, I may be an american but I'm not oblivious. I understand what our Government does, anybody who thinks that our government (or anybody's for that matter) is "noble" or "righteous" needs their head examined. I can understand your critisim. But I have a question are you criticising the American people or the American Government? I can understand if its the Gov't but the people? God I;m confused now with myself, I'll write later when I get my thoughst in order, I do so so I don;t come across in the wrong way. In the meantime sould someone please answer my question about the Government or The people. It would appreciate it. Thank you
RE: Very right.

You mean me? Oh don't take that "the US is ..." part seriously, I was just reeling off some biases against general USA. I just had to take out some heat :)
RE: Very wrong

This is not fan-fic stuff, so this should not be here. Shadowman
comes here from time to time, to answer that question about the admins checking this or not.
If you want to coment on a general board thread without posting in that board try e-mail or chat.
This is not the place

"shichisho hokoku"
RE: Very wrong

does it really matter if people are having pointless chats on the fan Fic board. I mean there aren''t many posters as it is. But what i don't see is why it needs to be anywhere i mean what's the point? I agree with Briosfreak you should probably go somewhere else with this. Have they gopt the e-mail person button working. If they have you could use that for pointless chats.
There is no e-mail person button.

No, there is not.

Btw, guys, thanks a lot for your "advice" (being sarcastic). Now I have to put up with their misled comments, and while it is rather funny to see how enlightened they think they are, this is about human lives and now they're insulting me for running out of my argument's ammunition when I have a full clip! NNNGH!
RE: There is no e-mail person button.

If I stay in long enough, I'll get more people to join the fight. I already got rock to help.

Sorry, but I can't give up until they delete the thread.