Hey is anyone else reading 'The Walking Dead' ?


Still Mildly Glowing
I've been reading this comic from issue 1 and I think it's just incredible. As far as a serial story of Zombie survival goes, I doubt anything else has even come close. I love how much it's changed over the years and how much I've become attached to the characters and how sympathetic I am to them But for anyone else who's reading this series too I wanna know if anyone else was as happy as I was when [spoiler:6fd648d583]Rick/Carl met up with everyone else again at Hershell's farm[/spoiler:6fd648d583]

anyone interested in learning more, here's the wikipedia page

I've been getting the hardbacks as they are released, so I'm not really up to date since the last one (nr 3) only goes up to issue 36. How far along are they now?

Anyway, it's definitely a good read, although I think they were better in the beginning. Still, I can't wait to find out what happens next, which I'll do next month when the fourth hardback is released.
I have the four volumes that collect 12 issues each. I liked the series... The Survival horror that never ends.