Hey William

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[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Feb-05-01 AT 07:47PM (GMT)[p]Please note this is addressed to william but i'm posting it here instead of E-mailing it to him becuase others may want to read or participate in this disscusion.

I was just beggining to do some work on tragic cards and just went over the rules in more detail than i did last time i looked. A couple of notes i want to make are as follows:

Storing AP
I'm sort of into magic cards but i never knew what a mana pool was. I assumed you could stock mana in it to use once per point instead of tapping a land (Magic term for powersources since mana originates from lands in magic) Why would this not be possible in tragic. You could then have special abilites able to add to an AP pool allowing you to use one instead of tapping a powersources

Multiple players in one game
I never liked the fact that in Magic yo could never fight with most of the other players if you were playing with more than two. I think that in tragic you should be able to make an attack against anybody instead of just the player to your left.

Multiple Blocks & Attacks
I know that multiple creatures blocking a single creature is allowed but what's wrong with a single blocker chosing to block multiple attackers.

i think you could solve this by adding a new rule, Grouping. An attacker can chose to group with several other attackers when attacking. If the defender wants to block one they have to block all of them. That's on the postitive side but if they are effected by something like a bomb then all will be affected.

New types of cards
Some new types of cards to add to the rules

Vehicle - Simple, they're rare and powerful. Things like Vertibirds and the highwayman. They can also be used to deliver a certain number of attackers to the defender. Therefore the vehicle can be used to protect them. This means that a vehicle must be destroyed before the defender/s can get to the people inside. If the vehicle defeats the blockers the occpuants may make their own attacks. If the vehicle is destroyed the blockers may get to the occupants. Also baring in mind that if a vertibird suddenly brakes then it will fall to the ground and kill the occupants.

Special skills like flying
Are there any?

Does tragic have a version of them. It would be taking a lot away from the game if there wasn't a way to damage your opponent other than creatures.

Holofoil cards
there were some in magic, (I'm not sure how common they are elsewhere but i have 20) I got the beatdown deck with two holofoil cards. Are there more like pokemon or are there only a few. Why not add them. I'm a fan of card games and they were a nice touch to the pokemon card game. each deck having one of these so called 'shinies'. I collected pokemon cards before the big popularity thing. It is actually quite a good game. Simple for little kids but with strategy for better players. While the series of pokemon may be childish the card game is actually ok. The whole concept of pokemon and catching monsters is excellent if only they hadn't put it into the form of a cartoon with a childish character like ash. It could have been a lot better if they had concentrated more on the quests than all the stupid childish things and the stupid expressions. Anyway. that's off the point.

I think it would be a nice touch for tragic cards to add some shiies and make some decks. Please comments esspiaclly from William but everyone else is welcome to join in i would like comments froim all the team, William, Insane, Yamu and myself

Ohh and before i forget Insane did you get the .zip file with the card making stuff, if you want it i'll send it to you, just ask.

Anyone else wanna join the group, if so just ask

I think that's it for now, i'm sure i had more so i'll be back later tonight, (Hopefully with some cards to show)

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Fang's Web Pages

It's only cheating if you get caught
- Fang_Of_the_BOS@hotmail.com
I always forget to check my mail and I just found that I got the .zip already...haha

Storing AP: I'm still lookin for the rules of Magic so I guess we have to leave this to William.

Mutliplayer: I guess maybe up to 4 ppl and you can attack whoever or ally with whowver ya want~~~

Blocking: Same as "Storing AP". I guess the "M203" I made can be that kind of "attack all card"....

Vehicles: A good idea! But if as you say as above then it will be like a shield for the units in it...but we'll think of that later.

Skills (NOT=special ability!!) : Maybe we can add a new kinda card then.....I have in mind is that a skill called "Double hander", very rare, allows a unit to equip 2 weapons~~

Spells: I guessed that "Leadership" took place of it~~~

"Lazer cards": That's what we call holofoil cards here. From my observe, Pokemon tends to have the most amt. of Lazers. But my experience told me that Lazers DOES NOT EQUAL to good cards (Refering to yu-gi-oh card game, and holofoils are differed into 4-5 kinds, I'll talk about it later.). Only about 25-30% are useful, so we must also think of weather the card is for real use or collection.


Merge cards: Refer to my previous posts.

Revival: We still need to discuss a lot about it.

Special ability of monsters(A bit "Pokemon Power") :

"Only once abilities"
Needs tapping. Some monsters have a powerful special ability, and the monster will usually be quite weak. In my mind, a monster call "Sand Worm" (and yes this is the one from Dune 2), can destroy one monster wanted. But these abilities can mostly be used once.

"Dead and use abilities"
No tapping needed. Uses when the monster is killed. In my mind, "Leech worm", place "Leech worm" on the monster which kills it. Take 1 EN from the monster per turn till it dies. Discard "Leech worm" with it.

"Support abilities"
No tapping needed. e.g. If bother cards "Sniper" and "Recon" is on the field, "Sniper" gains 1 ST. Effect ends when "Recon" is killed.

Holofoil cards:
In yu-gi-oh, this splits into 4-7 types, differs from east booster. The basic 3 types of holocards:
silver words (words=name of monster)
Laser (Picture of monster is "holoed")
Laser gold words(Refer to above)

Types that differ from boosters:
Checker Laser gold (the holo picture is "cut" into 9 checkers)
Bubble laser(you can see the picture is formed by a lot of small holo rings)

Well they seems to hard to understand but that's because I can't express it clearly......

For the idea of deck themes, there is also such a thing here. e.g. there is a booster called "Curse of Anbius", in which there is a hell lotta "trap cards". And one more called "Magic Ruler", in which there is a hella lot of magic cards.

p.s I forget to add in that I may make a new card type call "trap cards", any opinion?

I guess I'll concentrate mostly in making weapons, leadership and traps cards. And sorry for making such a hella long post...
Ok well i have a little more to say now.

The abilites from magic are like flying

This allows a creature to pass all blockers. Only flying creatures can block other flying creatures using flying

I'm working on diffrent expansions right now. What i've come up[ with is this

Base - The standard set of cards from which the starte deck and basic cards come

Order - This will probably be William's expansion with stuff from the order

BOS - That'll be my one, stuff to do with the BOS

The Archive - An order related to the BOS, preservers of knoledge. They'll be a special thing added to some of the booster packs

Ohh and i'm having trouble coming up with good powersourtces. Can anyone help me with this

Ohh and can you come up with some card lists of what cards you've made and images you've used

Do you have Icq, then we can disscus the project without giving away our secrets. Then we can relese them together on NMA and elsewhere.

Will people actually play the game. I know i will but will others?

Be back with more later, i'm at school right now and running out of time. Seey a later guys!!!

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Fang's Web Pages

It's only cheating if you get caught
- Fang_Of_the_BOS@hotmail.com
Ok I wanna ask some more.....

1)Is "Skill"="Ability"?
2)What Font u use to type the words?
3)How can ya capture the pics in Fallout?
4)Each turn how many cards does da player draws?

Some Theme Decks I thought of:

Wasteland Wildlife: A hella lotta of Critters, plus Muties and gohuls etc.etc.etc.....Units are high in ST but low in AG, but tend to need more power to tap.

Deathtrap: Lotta of Traps and Leadership, plus units with Abilities/Skills.

Trigger Happy: Lotta of Weapon Upgrades, plus units that require less power to tap but quite weak.

Survivor: Lotta healing items and units with high EN, other stats are OK.

I'll continue tomorrow cause my mom will kill me if I dun go to bed now:P
History? Mmmmm.....

I've got the stuff, thanks Fang. I believe I sent you an e-mail regarding that.

I was thinking that, being the FO history buff that I am (I'm working on a comprehensive history of the BoS that will hopefully blow you guys on your asses!), myself or someone else in colaboration with me could do a "Beforetimes: WWIII" or "Dawn of the Brotherhood" expansion.

Also, I was thinking that we could have cards called "perks", that are much akin to creature expansions in magic. I know that this is a lot like the "weapons upgrade" cards, but perhaps we could have it so that you can't play a "perk" on a creature unless certain requirements have been met.

BTW, in regards to special creature abilities, I've given it the following consideration:

Irradiated: This could be a condition for such creatures as
centaurs and glowing ones. Creatures that have latent radiation get no penalty for blocking/being blocked by each other, but otherwise, a character forced to fight with one of these creatures would incur a stats penalty. More likely, though, we could do it like magic. Blocking/beging blocked by an irradiated creature would put a radiation counter on your creature, and the more there were, the more extra damage your creature would take from attacks.

RE: History? Mmmmm.....

Well I have and idea which just come of my mind.......

Another way to win:
Get the 5 "Nuke cards" at ya hands. These 5 "Nuke cards" cannot be "revived", and only 1 of each can be in your deck.

The 5 cards are:
Blueprint (I'll use the V-bird one)
Fuel (Flamethrower fuel/Micro Fusion cell)
Navcom (Water chip)
Rocket (Will be using Explode Rocket unless better pic found)
Warhead (Maybe 10mm ammo with a nuke sign printed on it.....unless better pic found)

There will also be a card to prevent the enemy to get these cards~~~~

Kamikazi (Using a pic made from WW2 Japan flag, maybe with a Zero plane on it. But I'm afraid that it might upset ppl so I'm askin for opinion)
Leadership, Discard X cards from your hand. Then discard the same no. of cards from ya opponent's hand.
(Can decide which to discard without seeing opponent's cards in hand)

Any objections?

And what Fu*king font and font size are using to type the words!?!? I really need that to work on.......Urrrrgggggggghhhh!!
Storing AP
I'm sort of into magic cards but i never knew what a mana pool was. I assumed you could stock mana in it to use once per point instead of tapping a land (Magic term for powersources since mana originates from lands in magic) Why would this not be possible in tragic. You could then have special abilites able to add to an AP pool allowing you to use one instead of tapping powersources

Powersources are mana... I too had a tough time to find something usefull and I'm considering a normal everyday battery... :) As for the special cards... Never saw The Azure Stones? Perhaps we should make a 'Dark Ritual', for those who don't play Magic or don't know it, use one powersource, gain 3 powersources untill the end of the turn...
You cannot stock mana... anything left at the end of you upkeep will be lost during your next turn... though perhaps I could use this battery image to create a card that can store one excess AP per turn.

Multiple players in one game
I never liked the fact that in Magic yo could never fight with most of the other players if you were playing with more than two. I think that in tragic you should be able to make an attack against anybody instead of just the player to your left.

Ever heard of Emperor? It's a way of playing 3 vs. 3, two Emperors, both with two lieutenants... the lieutenants can only attack those at the same side of the emperor as they. (If you're sitting left of your emperor, you can only attack the lieutenant left of you opponent emperor.) Emperor's cannot be attacked untill one of their lieutenants has been killed (the lieutenant that was playing against the dead one is now free to attack the emperor directly, so is his own emperor.) When a emperor dies, it's game over. AREA EFFECTS (global effects) DO HAVE INFLUENCE ON THE OPPOSING EMPEROR, NO MATTER WHAT.
Furthermore... At Magic you can play with as many people as you wish... however, keep in mind that it is like every card-game, it is turnbased.

Multiple Blocks & Attacks
I know that multiple creatures blocking a single creature is allowed but what's wrong with a single blocker chosing to block multiple attackers.

I think you could solve this by adding a new rule, Grouping.

First of all: When blocking one should assume that all blocks are done simultaneously, despite of the order of events that take place.
Secondly: I Magic there was already Banding. I think it's a good idea to include that in a FEW critters (this critter can band with two target critters), this adds up their stats... If I'd get permission from TMA, or someone from TMA in on this, they could have a card named 'Unity', that assigns this ability to a critter... Typical Mutant Army card.[/i]

New types of cards

Vehicle - A car would have no armaments... Though it would allow you for instance to deliver critters to the other side of the battlefield without being blocked... one per turn, one AP more costly every turn (cumulative upkeep, for those of you that remember)

Special skills like flying Jetpack would be part of equipment... I guess we could have flying critters, as well as some flying PA's or so... hoover board upgrade... I guess we can do something like that.

Spells I have a list of future cards... Up Close And Personal was one of them, as well as Moonbiter's Battlecry and some things in that direction... Sabotage and such. But no real magic, of course... same effect though.

Holofoil cards

Exactly how where you going to digitally pull that stunt of (I can already see myself lifting my monitor to see the card from a different angle.)

I think it would be a nice touch for tragic cards to add some shiies and make some decks.

Shiies? I personally will focus on The Order and The Illuminati, The Brotherhood, other clans, general and whatever you can come up with will most likely be fine... The Enclave, Arroyo, if you think you can come up with about 30 cards in that serie, please do so... As for decks, you meant starterdecks or boosters, right? Since I at first thought you meant pre-constructed decks.

Arial, Arabic version (sometimes the text in the font box in paint disappears and I had to type Arial manually, leaving me with the top version... beige, if you need to know)

Perks and other card types
Anything slightly related to Fallout is good! Anything totally related to Fallout has been made by God himself :p

There probably was more... but it's late, my memory's failing me and... ehr... what was I saying?


Tell me, purple and green combine very well, do they?
I'm not sure how well these nuke cards would work. I mean wouldn't it be a silly way to win justing having to get all 5. There are a hell o' a lot of search your deck cards.

Perhaps if we made a special nuke match where you have to aquire these nuke cards but make it harder than just drawing them from your deck. Maybe if you have to aquire one or two by merging then you'll have to merge two other cards to draw one from an out of play position.

I just created one for the 1st Nuke card, the water chip one. They are both rare cards called 'Merger' cards. They have two uses, The first to merge with another card to bring in the 1st Nuke card from outside of your deck, Don't need to count it as one of your 60. Their second use is a non-merger use meaning they have a second use. They should be treatred as one card meaning if you play one effect you are allowed to play the other if the conditions are right. If they are not then you may only play the one.

I'm not sure what i'll invent for the other Nuke cards though. Post back soon.

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Fang's Web Pages

It's only cheating if you get caught
- Fang_Of_the_BOS@hotmail.com
>I'm not sure how well these nuke cards would work. I mean >wouldn't it be a silly way to win justing having to get all 5. >There are a hell o' a lot of search your deck cards.

Do you mean that ther will be a hella low chance to collect 'em all? If ya mean so, I can always make some Units/Leadership card with special effects to choose cards from the deck.
e.g. Scvanger, have a special skill to draw a desired card from deck to hands. Uses 6 powersource.

>Their second use is a non-merger use meaning they have a second >use. They should be treatred as one card meaning if you play >one effect you are allowed to play the other if the conditions >are right. If they are not then you may only play the one.

Hmm I'm not very sure of what you mean but Fang can ya explain clearer?

I'm now focusing on making the "Trigger Happy/Deathtrap" merge Starter. Can you guys gimme some suggestions on:

What weapon upgrade you guyz want?
What kinda Leadership/Trap cards do ya guyz want?
Shall I include the "5 Nuke Cards" I've made?

The 5 Nuke Card idea I actually copied it from another card game. It's actually designed to provide a second way for getting ppl to win instead only by using powerful monster...etc etc. I'd actually lost 2 matches by this way from the same ppl:(

p.s Anyone here play Wargame/Paintball?
>The 5 Nuke Card idea I
>actually copied it from another
>card game. It's actually designed
>to provide a second way
>for getting ppl to win
>instead only by using powerful
>monster...etc etc. I'd actually lost
>2 matches by this way
>from the same ppl:(

Legend of the Five Rings, right?

>p.s Anyone here play Wargame/Paintball?

Nah... The only people around where I live that play wargames are CRAZY!!! Not only do they freeze their paintballs and play at night in the mountains, but when they play wargames, they use actual .22 rifles and body armor! I really don't want to be involved in that...

"Nil Desperandum"

>The 5 Nuke Card idea I
>actually copied it from another
>card game. It's actually designed
>to provide a second way
>for getting ppl to win
>instead only by using powerful
>monster...etc etc. I'd actually lost
>2 matches by this way
>from the same ppl
>Legend of the Five Rings, right?

Err nope:)

>p.s Anyone here play Wargame/Paintball?
>Nah... The only people around where I live that play wargames >are CRAZY!!! Not only do they freeze their paintballs and play >at night in the mountains, but when they play wargames, they >use actual .22 rifles and body armor! I really don't want to be >involved in that...

Wow are they nuts!? We here play wargames with only model guns with plastic BBs.....where do ya live?
>>Legend of the Five Rings, right?
>Err nope:)

Which game is it?

>Wow are they nuts!? We here
>play wargames with only model
>guns with plastic BBs.....where do
>ya live?

:) Yeah, tell me about it. I live in the San Francisco bay area, not even a mile out of San Francisco. A lot of people here play by the "rules," but a good number of people really don't care about their safety. Some friends of mine go into the mountains or the wine country about twice a month to play some "hard core games." Around here, people seem to take pride in the fact that we're the home of the X-Games and that California is the cradle of modern skateboarding in the world, but some people take it too far. One of my friend Andy Du's friends was almost blinded by a frozen paintball, and my friend Yoshi was shot through the hand. One guy broke both legs when they set up a pit trap for wargames. It's really out of hand.

"Nil Desperandum"

>Which game is it?
That yu-gi-oh where I copied a couple ideas:P

And some more weaponm cards

I really tried using both a combat knife and chopper when camping and a chopper is MUCH eqasier to handle!

This one is a holofoil card~~~~~

p.s. In here the most "extreme" playing of wargame is at the most abseiling or "coast landing"......I never tried both though........

Any weapon you guyz wanna be made into cards? Gimme some ideas I'm almost dry.....