[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Feb-05-01 AT 07:47PM (GMT)[p]Please note this is addressed to william but i'm posting it here instead of E-mailing it to him becuase others may want to read or participate in this disscusion.
I was just beggining to do some work on tragic cards and just went over the rules in more detail than i did last time i looked. A couple of notes i want to make are as follows:
Storing AP
I'm sort of into magic cards but i never knew what a mana pool was. I assumed you could stock mana in it to use once per point instead of tapping a land (Magic term for powersources since mana originates from lands in magic) Why would this not be possible in tragic. You could then have special abilites able to add to an AP pool allowing you to use one instead of tapping a powersources
Multiple players in one game
I never liked the fact that in Magic yo could never fight with most of the other players if you were playing with more than two. I think that in tragic you should be able to make an attack against anybody instead of just the player to your left.
Multiple Blocks & Attacks
I know that multiple creatures blocking a single creature is allowed but what's wrong with a single blocker chosing to block multiple attackers.
i think you could solve this by adding a new rule, Grouping. An attacker can chose to group with several other attackers when attacking. If the defender wants to block one they have to block all of them. That's on the postitive side but if they are effected by something like a bomb then all will be affected.
New types of cards
Some new types of cards to add to the rules
Vehicle - Simple, they're rare and powerful. Things like Vertibirds and the highwayman. They can also be used to deliver a certain number of attackers to the defender. Therefore the vehicle can be used to protect them. This means that a vehicle must be destroyed before the defender/s can get to the people inside. If the vehicle defeats the blockers the occpuants may make their own attacks. If the vehicle is destroyed the blockers may get to the occupants. Also baring in mind that if a vertibird suddenly brakes then it will fall to the ground and kill the occupants.
Special skills like flying
Are there any?
Does tragic have a version of them. It would be taking a lot away from the game if there wasn't a way to damage your opponent other than creatures.
Holofoil cards
there were some in magic, (I'm not sure how common they are elsewhere but i have 20) I got the beatdown deck with two holofoil cards. Are there more like pokemon or are there only a few. Why not add them. I'm a fan of card games and they were a nice touch to the pokemon card game. each deck having one of these so called 'shinies'. I collected pokemon cards before the big popularity thing. It is actually quite a good game. Simple for little kids but with strategy for better players. While the series of pokemon may be childish the card game is actually ok. The whole concept of pokemon and catching monsters is excellent if only they hadn't put it into the form of a cartoon with a childish character like ash. It could have been a lot better if they had concentrated more on the quests than all the stupid childish things and the stupid expressions. Anyway. that's off the point.
I think it would be a nice touch for tragic cards to add some shiies and make some decks. Please comments esspiaclly from William but everyone else is welcome to join in i would like comments froim all the team, William, Insane, Yamu and myself
Ohh and before i forget Insane did you get the .zip file with the card making stuff, if you want it i'll send it to you, just ask.
Anyone else wanna join the group, if so just ask
I think that's it for now, i'm sure i had more so i'll be back later tonight, (Hopefully with some cards to show)
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Fang's Web Pages
It's only cheating if you get caught
- Fang_Of_the_BOS@hotmail.com
I was just beggining to do some work on tragic cards and just went over the rules in more detail than i did last time i looked. A couple of notes i want to make are as follows:
Storing AP
I'm sort of into magic cards but i never knew what a mana pool was. I assumed you could stock mana in it to use once per point instead of tapping a land (Magic term for powersources since mana originates from lands in magic) Why would this not be possible in tragic. You could then have special abilites able to add to an AP pool allowing you to use one instead of tapping a powersources
Multiple players in one game
I never liked the fact that in Magic yo could never fight with most of the other players if you were playing with more than two. I think that in tragic you should be able to make an attack against anybody instead of just the player to your left.
Multiple Blocks & Attacks
I know that multiple creatures blocking a single creature is allowed but what's wrong with a single blocker chosing to block multiple attackers.
i think you could solve this by adding a new rule, Grouping. An attacker can chose to group with several other attackers when attacking. If the defender wants to block one they have to block all of them. That's on the postitive side but if they are effected by something like a bomb then all will be affected.
New types of cards
Some new types of cards to add to the rules
Vehicle - Simple, they're rare and powerful. Things like Vertibirds and the highwayman. They can also be used to deliver a certain number of attackers to the defender. Therefore the vehicle can be used to protect them. This means that a vehicle must be destroyed before the defender/s can get to the people inside. If the vehicle defeats the blockers the occpuants may make their own attacks. If the vehicle is destroyed the blockers may get to the occupants. Also baring in mind that if a vertibird suddenly brakes then it will fall to the ground and kill the occupants.
Special skills like flying
Are there any?
Does tragic have a version of them. It would be taking a lot away from the game if there wasn't a way to damage your opponent other than creatures.
Holofoil cards
there were some in magic, (I'm not sure how common they are elsewhere but i have 20) I got the beatdown deck with two holofoil cards. Are there more like pokemon or are there only a few. Why not add them. I'm a fan of card games and they were a nice touch to the pokemon card game. each deck having one of these so called 'shinies'. I collected pokemon cards before the big popularity thing. It is actually quite a good game. Simple for little kids but with strategy for better players. While the series of pokemon may be childish the card game is actually ok. The whole concept of pokemon and catching monsters is excellent if only they hadn't put it into the form of a cartoon with a childish character like ash. It could have been a lot better if they had concentrated more on the quests than all the stupid childish things and the stupid expressions. Anyway. that's off the point.
I think it would be a nice touch for tragic cards to add some shiies and make some decks. Please comments esspiaclly from William but everyone else is welcome to join in i would like comments froim all the team, William, Insane, Yamu and myself
Ohh and before i forget Insane did you get the .zip file with the card making stuff, if you want it i'll send it to you, just ask.
Anyone else wanna join the group, if so just ask
I think that's it for now, i'm sure i had more so i'll be back later tonight, (Hopefully with some cards to show)
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Fang's Web Pages
It's only cheating if you get caught
- Fang_Of_the_BOS@hotmail.com